- flat wire armoring 扁钢丝铠装
- Usage: suitable for starting motor stator magnetic field flat wire winding. 用途:适用于起动电机定子磁场扁线绕组的绕线。
- It reaches the leading level at home, fill in the blank in the blank in Steel Wire Armoring Machine of big specifications. 该产品达到了国内领先水平,填补了我国大规格钢丝装铠机的空白。
- Improper cleaning of flat wires. 盖板针不清洁不合适。
- Flat Copper Conductor Making Machine (Rolling Machine) for FFC (Flexible Flat wire). 我司主要销售压延机(生产扁平导线)。
- In retooling new flat wire, bearing in mind that lock up flat wire-up, to prevent damage or wounding exuvaite. 齿型皮带上下出现明显的磨损,使两边皮带间隙太大和不一致;
- Nail when to check the flat wire hardness, thickness, distortions and whether there is a rustiness, cracks, etc. 钉箱时要检查扁丝的硬度、厚度、弯曲度及是否有锈蚀、龟裂等。
- Some flat wire dampproof and antioxidant activity, brought out from the warehouse found, there is no use was secable. 有的扁丝防潮和抗氧化性能差,从仓库领出来后发现,还没有使用就出现了生锈现象。
- UDY DRAWING series production specifications: Bright Flat Wire, a bright profiled yarn, silk, and bright colors Profiled new fiber specifications. UDY平牵系列:生产各种规格有光扁平丝、有光异形丝、有光异形颜色丝以及各种规格新合纤。
- Set adopt painter copperizing of catasts, and according to the size of the box, using different models of the flat wire. 订分拔存镀锌或镀铜的矮碳扁丝,并根据纸箱的巨细,搁置不对别型号的扁丝。
- The paper analysed the disadvantages of domestic LHD 700/5 flat wire stretcher, when it produces flat copper wire, according to the working principle of sliding stretcher. 依据滑动式拉线机的原理,剖析了国产LHD-700/5型型线拉线机生产紫铜扁线的弊端,指出该机型不适合生产紫铜扁线。
- Bare copper flat wire technology is adopted for wire package,with H class insulant as bedding to realize functions like : quick heat dissipation,high efficiency and long working life. 线包采用丝包铜扁线技术工艺,用H级绝缘材料垫层,散热快、效率高、寿命长。
- Aluminum conductor XLPE insulated fine steel wire armored low-smoke and non-halo sheathed Flame-retardant power cable. 室内、隧道、电缆沟、竖井等能承受机械外力和一定拉力的场所。
- This product is a compound coated wire, it made flom excellent bare copper flat wire covered with polyvinyl resin or other enamel as based coating and coated a special bond at surface. 本产品为复合线材以优良的裸铜线为导体以缩甲醛合成树酯漆或合成漆为绝缘层并在绝缘层外涂以胶粘剂。
- Copper conductor XLPE insulated fine steel wire armored low-smoke and non-halo sheathed Flame-retardant power cable. 铜芯交联聚乙烯绝缘细钢丝铠装低烟无卤护套阴燃电力电缆。
- Applying scope Suitable for clamping and fastening various kinds of steel wire armored cables. 适用范围适用于夹持和固定各种类型的钢丝铠装电缆。
- Usage: special equipment for auto starting motor armature flat wire coil automatic wire loading, automatic wire feeding, automatic alignment, automatic cutting off and automatic shape making. 用途:适用于汽车起动电机电枢扁线绕组的自动放线、自动送线、自动校直、自动切断、自动成形的一种专用设备。
- Bare copper flat wire technology is adopted for wire package,with H class insulant as bedding to realize functions like : quick heat dissipation,high efficiency and long working life. 线包采用丝包铜扁线技术工艺,用H级绝缘材料垫层,散热快、效率高、寿命长。
- Composite stainless steel tube fiber unit, High strength steel wire armored inside.Hermetically metallic sealed, HDPE sheath. 复合不锈钢管光纤单元,高强度钢丝内铠,金属管密封,高密度聚乙烯护套。
- The completion of the foundation buried stone heads, four measurements, a flat wire measurement, substandard level of measurement, map the root control field data collection and data editing. 完成了基础埋石、首级四等测量、一级平面导线测量、等外水准测量、图根控制等野外数据采集以及数据编辑工作。