- Irma: How have you been, you old flat foot? 欧玛:你好吗,你这个老小子。
- Shoes or orthotics that support the arch and heel can help flat feet. 那些能支撑高拱和后脚跟的鞋或矫形器可以治疗扁平足;
- Do you have flat feet or high arches? 你有扁平足或者高拱足吗?
- A flat foot is squishy, causing muscles and tendons to stretch and weaken, leading to tendinitis and arthritis. 扁平足抗压性不好,造成肌肉和腱的拉伸和削弱,造成腱炎和关节炎。
- Dynamic Foot Stabilizer? (DFS?) Flat foot control for the pediatric or adult clients. 动力学足底稳定器?(DFS?)用于平足儿童和成人的治疗。
- Common foot diseases include high bow foot, flat foot, bunions, overpronated foot , fasten foot, calluses, corn, plantar fasciitis, and heel spur, etc. 常见足部疾病如高弓足、扁平足、拇趾外翻、外旋足、内旋足、鸡眼、足底筋膜炎、足跟骨刺等数十种。
- The risk factors of lower extremity injuries show as following: smoking, flat foot, "intolerance to training" and "fall behind the cohort in march". 结果显示:吸烟,足弓扁平,不能承受训练量,入伍后跟不上行军速度为训练伤发生的危险因素。
- Flat feet need additional motion control and firm heel counters. 平足需要额外的动作控制和牢固的鞋跟。
- This technique is sometimes called playing flat footed. 这个技巧有时候被称为平足(姑且这么翻译吧)。
- Because of his flat feet, Foster was exempt from serving in the armed forces. 福斯特有平足缺陷,故被免参军。
- The condition of being pronated, especially the condition of having flat feet. 向后转动内旋后的状态,尤指平足的状态
- So,we learned "sliding",which was standing on the pedel with one foot while the other foot supporting on the ground,just like riding on a scooter. 我们学会了“溜”,就是一个脚踩住一边的脚踏板,另一个脚撑地滑行,有点像滑板车的玩法。
- Flat feet, splayed feet, paper feet, etc., are to be heavily penalized. 平坦的足爪、张开的足爪、象纸一样薄的足爪等都属于严重缺陷。
- A person with flat feet. 平足患者长有扁平足的人
- If it shows the entire sole of our foot with little to no curve on the inside, it means you have low arches or flat feet and tend toward over-pronation (your feet roll inward). 如果你的脚印只呈现你脚掌前端的一部分和脚跟,中间只微微相连,就表示你的足弓较高,倾向于内旋不足(你的脚往外翻)。
- If it shows the entire sole of your foot with little to no curve on the inside, it means you have low arches or flat feet and tend toward over-pronation (your feet roll inward). 如果脚印描出你的整个脚底,内侧几乎没有任何曲线,就表示你的足肱较低或属于平板脚,倾向于过度内旋(你的脚往内翻)。
- The typical shapes include ding with flat feet, dou, basin, bowl, jar-shaped vessel, cup and cup with high handle. 这批随葬陶器以薄胎泥质黑陶和灰陶为主,多饰弦纹,有鸭嘴形足小鼎、双腹豆、盘、碗、壶形器、盂形器、蛋壳小杯和高圈足杯。
- The scribe worked hard to support his family. 那个抄写员辛勤工作来养家。
- He walked along as if favoring his sore foot. 他走路像是特别小心照顾他那只酸痛的脚似的。
- Pronators often have flat feet, and the medial portion of their shoe bottom wears down before the lateral part. 低足弓脚通常有扁平的脚,鞋底的内侧比外侧更先磨损。