- She was conscious of her flat nose. 她为自己的扁鼻子感到难为情。
- She was consciousof her flat nose. 她为自己的扁鼻子感到难为情。
- Any of a breed of small dog developed in China, having a flat nose, a long-haired coat, short bowed forelegs, and a tail that curls over its back. 哈巴狗一种在中国衍生发展长有扁平的鼻子且浑身长毛的小狗,有短小如弓状的前足及卷曲在背上的尾巴
- Having a broad, flat nose. 有宽阔扁平的鼻子的
- Nose: A wide nose with bulbous sides is a sign of arrogance, while a flat nose means you lack confidence. 鼻子:鼻子宽大,鼻翼鼓出是傲慢的象征,而扁鼻子意味着你缺乏自信。
- We had hours of fun balancing objects like a salt shaker on his flat nose while he slept soundly. 他沉睡的时候,我们会玩个游戏,在他那扁鼻子上摆像盐瓶那样的小玩艺而要保持平衡不倒,这样一玩就是几个小时,大家玩得不亦乐乎。
- A wide nose with bulbous sides is a sign of arrogance,while a flat nose means you lack confidence. 鼻子宽大,鼻翼鼓出是傲慢的象征,而扁鼻子意味着你缺乏自信。
- Median cleft lip: mild and subtle hypotelorism, flat nose, and median cleft lip with or without cleft palate. 中央唇裂:轻度眼距缩短或不明显、扁平鼻、中央唇裂伴或不伴腭裂。
- Any of a breed of small dog developed in China,having a flat nose,a long-haired coat,short bowed forelegs,and a tail that curls over its back. 哈巴狗一种在中国衍生发展长有扁平的鼻子且浑身长毛的小狗,有短小如弓状的前足及卷曲在背上的尾巴促使他戒酒的另一个原因是,他不想做任何会使他父亲难堪的事。那时老布什正准备竞选总统。
- In process of spinning,The winding formation depends directly on the up and down movement of ring bar,especially the repeated bumping and beating of nose bit and nose base on the formation cam. 在纺纱过程中,钢领板的上下运动直接影响到卷绕成形的质量,特别是成形凸轮在桃尖的冲击及桃底的打顿,更突出地影响到成形的好坏。
- Any of a breed of small dog developed in China, having a flat nose, a long - haired coat, short bowed forelegs, and a tail that curls over its back. 哈巴狗一种在中国衍生发展长有扁平的鼻子且浑身长毛的小狗,有短小如弓状的前足及卷曲在背上的尾巴
- In process of spinning, The winding formation depends directly on the up and down movement of ring bar, especially the repeated bumping and beating of nose bit and nose base on the formation cam. 摘要在纺纱过程中,钢领板的上下运动直接影响到卷绕成形的质量,特别是成形凸轮在桃尖的冲击及桃底的打顿,更突出地影响到成形的好坏。
- Chronos delivers power down a tether to heat a flat nose plate that provides the only contact the drill has with the ice. 克罗诺斯以一条缆绳来传输电力,以加热前端平坦的盘面,这是此钻头唯一和冰接触的部位。
- All South American monkeys have flat noses with widely spaced nostril. 所有南美洲的猴子都有平鼻子和宽大的鼻孔。
- South American monkeys have flat noses with widely spaced nostrils. 所有南美洲猴鼻子扁平,两个鼻孔分得很开。
- Some sufferers also have a broad, flat nose, large ears, a large mouth, and thick lips, and, occasionally, an enlarged head and jaw. 有些患病者还长有宽扁的鼻子、大大的耳朵、大大的嘴巴和厚厚的嘴唇,偶尔还长有大脑袋和大下巴。
- Any of a breed of small dog developed in China, having a flat nose, a long - haired coat , short bowed forelegs, and a tail that curls over its back. 麝鼠一种美洲北部的大型水生啮齿动物(麝香鼠),与旅鼠和田鼠有关,长有深褐色皮毛和宽而扁的尾巴(下有放出麝香味的分泌腺)
- The men agreed that it was to be a friendly affair, with such customary tricks as eye gouging, hair pulling,ear tearing and nose biting barred. 双方同意这将是一场友谊赛。惯常使用恶行:如抠眼睛、抓头发、撕耳朵、以及咬鼻子等被禁止。
- He bit off a large piece of the apple. 他咬下一大块苹果。
- The men agreed that it was to be a friendly affair, with such customary tricks as eye gouging, hair pulling, ear tearing and nose biting barred. 惯常使用恶行:如抠眼睛、抓头发、撕耳朵、以及咬鼻子等被禁止。