- Regulating Strategy on International Capital Flows under the Flexible Exchange Rate Regime 弹性汇率制度下的国际资本流动调控策略
- flexible exchange rate regime 弹性汇率制
- How to Exit from the Pegged Exchange Rate Regime? 如何从钉住汇率制度中退出?
- One is the exchange rate regime. 汇率制度是其一。
- How to Tackle FX Risk of RMB Exchange Rate Regime Reform for Commercial Banks? 商业银行如何应对人民币汇率改革进程中的汇率风险?
- China had long insisted that it would adopt a more flexible exchange rate system, but not until it was ready. 中国长期以来坚持道,直到一切准备就绪,中国将采取更加灵活的汇率体系。
- With flexible exchange rates, however, the deficit cannot last. 但是,在变动汇率下,这种逆差不可能持久。
- Hong Kong's linked exchange rate regime is the anchor of our monetary and financial stability. 联系汇率制度是保持香港金融和财政稳定的要素。
- The G7 has spoken up for flexible exchange rates all round. G7一直在呼吁灵活汇率。
- Without a more flexible exchange rate, there is a growing risk that China's sizzling economy will boil over. 没有一个更为灵活的汇率,是有越来越大的风险,中国的炒热经济将烧开了。
- We are proud of our linked exchange rate regime,which remains unshakable despite turbulences in the region. 我们对本港的联系汇率制度感到自豪,尽管区内的金融市场出现动荡,这个制度却稳如磐石,丝毫不受影响。
- But clearly no exchange rate regime can be perfect and there is no one regime that suits all. 当然,没有一种汇率制度是完美的,也没有一种汇率制度会适合所有经济体系。
- S. has no currency policy.And as for getting China to adopt a more flexible exchange rate, anything Congress does will probably be counterproductive. 在敦促中国采取更为灵活的汇率机制方面,美国国会的一举一动都可能会适得其反。
- We are proud of our linked exchange rate regime, which remains unshakable despite turbulences in the region. 我们对本港的联系汇率制度感到自豪,尽管区内的金融市场出现动荡,这个制度却稳如磐石,丝毫不受影响。
- We found that monetary policy was more powerful with flexible exchange rates. 我们发现,在变动汇率下货币政策更有效。
- Mark M.Spiegel,A look at China's new exchange rate regime,FBBSF Economic Letter,September 9,2005. 结论来自于"篮子货币是以对外贸易权重为主的"论断(中国人民银行;2005).
- Second, a fixed exchange rate regime imposes monetary discipline on countries, thereby curtailing price inflation. 其二,一种固定汇率制度向各个国家施加了货币约束,从而抑制了通货膨胀。
- China has vowed to move to a more flexible exchange rate, which is generally assumed to mean a revaluation in the short-term, but has never said when it would move. 中国已誓言要向更灵活的汇率体系转变,一般认为,这意味着短期内将调整汇率,但中国从未说明何时行动。
- Or take another popular line of defence: it is often asserted that China cannot afford a more flexible exchange rate until its dodgy banking system is reformed and strengthened. 或者用另一个更受欢迎的防线:中国经常宣称在总是出岔子的金融系统得到改革并巩固之前,受不了更具弹性的汇率体系。
- The Peoples Bank of China is right in taking a gradual approach in releasing further information about the new renminbi exchange rate regime. 中国人民银行以渐进原则发布有关新的人民币汇率形成机制的资料,是适当的做法。