- Based on error transformation analysis on multi body system, a synthetic model for positioning error which includes geometric error, load error and thermal error is discussed in this paper. 文章在分析多体系统基本变换的基础上,建立了计及几何误差,载荷误差和热变形误差的机床空间综合误差计算模型。
- flexible multi body dynamics 柔性多体动力学
- Moser A, Steffan H. The Pedestrian Model in PC-CRASHThe Introduction of a Multi Body System and its Validation.SAE Paper 1999-01-0445 陈云刚.;道路交通事故再现分析系统的研究与开发:[学位论文]北京:清华大学;2000
- Body systems are kept in balance. 人体系统才能维持平衡。
- This rich, flexible multi strand bangle measures 7 inches in length, and slightly over 1/2 inch in width (at the widest point) and weighs (on average) 25 grams. 这个丰富,柔韧的多圈式手镯有7英寸长,1/2英寸宽(最宽的)重25克(平均)。
- multi body system dynamics 多体系统动力学
- Multi body system 多体系统
- Iron is an important element to build a strong body system. 铁质是人体所需的重要元素以供强化健康提高免疫系统。
- Authors calculated the mechanism movement with R W method of multi rigid body system dynamics,and made a general optimal program of the steering mechanism for MC PHERSON strut in automobile. 运用多刚体系统动力学中R-W方法进行机构运动计算,编制了汽车麦弗逊悬架转向机构优化设计通用程序。
- Based on ArS 2 analysis potential function, which was calculated using ab initio MP2/6 31+G method and multi body expansion theory, the dynamic process has been studied. 采用abinitioMP2 /6 - 31+G方法计算了ArS2 体系分析势能函数 .
- Numerical simulations demonstrate that the multi body analytical model can analyze the aeroelastic stability of the tiltrotor aircraft in the helicopter mode. 数值计算表明:建立的多体动力学模型能够快速分析直升机模式下倾转旋翼机复杂的旋翼/机翼气弹耦合动力学特性。
- planar flexible multi- body system 平面柔性多体系统
- EBN main functions are to nourish the skin, reinforce body systems, strengthens lung and prevent coughing. 燕窝的主要功能是滋润皮肤,加强人体系统,强化肺部并预防哮喘。
- Laboratory animals have organs and body systems similar to humans and other animals. 实验室动物的器官和身体系统类似于人类和其他动物。
- Multi body dynamic differential equations are combined with the equations of the unsteady dynamic inflow model to establish the complete unsteadily aeroelastic coupling analytical model of the tiltrotor. 结合动力人流,研究了直升机模式下倾转旋翼机非线性非定常气弹耦合动力学特性。
- Based on the multi body Brenner's potential, the molecular dynamics simulation approach was used to determine the postbuckling equilibrium paths, variation of strain energy and buckling modes. 采用分子动力学方法研究了不同螺旋性的单壁碳纳米管在轴压、扭转和外压分别作用下的变形屈曲行为。
- These irradiations may cause an agitating mood, the endocrine disorder, which makes human body system out of balance. (5)这些射线会使人的心情烦躁,内分泌紊乱,各种功能失调、退。
- Patchouli can also be burnt as incense and the smoke element will then help to balance the field as it enters the chakra and subtle body systems. 广藿香也能作为薰香点燃,它的烟元素当进入脉轮与精微体系统时将帮助平衡你的能量场。
- The multi body dynamic model of working equipment was set up.Links, rockers and lift arm were considered as elastic bodies and bucket, and cylinders as rigid bodies. 将连杆、摇臂和动臂均看作弹性体,液压缸和铲斗为刚体,建立了完整的装载工作装置的刚-弹性体系统动力学模型。
- Modern people are far behind the ancient sages in exploring the spirit system and the body system of human beings. 在认识生命的性体系统和命体系统的过程中,现代人远远落后于古代的圣人们。