- fling yourself into the breachvt. 救人于危难之境
- When you are doing your favorite thing, fling yourself into it. 当妳在做的正是妳最喜欢做的事,请妳投入;
- You're driving yourself into the grave. 你在把自己赶进坟墓。
- Fling aside all cares and throw yourself into the new task. 丢开一切顾虑,全力投入新的工作吧。
- Fling yourself into nature, breathe the pureness and limpidity, you can spread yourself in the silent sunshine every day. 每一天,投入自然的怀抱,呼吸纯净和清澈,在安静的阳光里自由舒展。
- The leading man got laryngitis but his understudy stepped into the breach and gave an excellent performance. 演主角的男演员得了喉炎,不过他的替角代替了他,而且表演得极为出色。
- Just project yourself into the future world! 设想一下自己处身於未来世界中吧!
- threw yourself into the breachv. 救人于危难之境
- throw yourself into the breachvt. 救人于危难之境
- Central banks are trying to step into the breach. 为此,中央银行正试图挺身相助。
- I will step into the breach in his absence. 他不在的时候,我会补他的缺。
- thrown yourself into the breachv. 救人于危难之境
- Try to think yourself into the role. 尽量发挥想像力,使自己进入角色。
- I have to step into the breach when my boss was not in the company. 当老板不在公司时,我不得不充当临时代理人。
- Nonprofit organizations are also stepping into the breach. 非盈利组织也纷纷加入。
- Police appeal to the eyewitness throw hisself into the breach. 警方呼吁目击者挺身而出。
- It'd be difficult.Do you want to fly yourself into the sky? 难不成。你是想把自己放上天啊?
- The best way to forget your sadness is to hurl yourself into your work. 忘掉悲伤的最好方法是将自己投入到工作中去。
- By this false move you've forced yourself into the defensive. 这一着儿一走错,你就变成后手了。
- Don't fling yourself at that boy. 你不要讨好那个男孩儿。