- Application of Cup Float Steam Trap and Heat Recovery of Condensed Water in Evaporation System 钟形浮子式疏水阀在蒸发系统中的应用
- float steam trap 浮式隔汽具
- The steam trap shall be a Watts Regulator Company Series G, MG, float and thermostatic type. 这种疏水阀应该是美国瓦茨调节阀公司系列G,MG浮子和恒温疏水阀。
- Steam Trap Leak Detection Programme. 蒸汽管网疏水阀检测,避免蒸汽泄漏及能源损失。
- The steam trap shall be a Watts Regulator Company Series WIB. 这种疏水阀应该是美国瓦茨调节阀公司系列WIB产品。
- Replace the cover and the radiator steam trap has been repaired. 重新安装上盖子,这样散热器疏水阀就维修好了。
- Freedom Semi-float-type steam trap, only one and a half barrels of the ball-type float for the activity components, opening down, the ball barrels that are sluicegate pieces, but also seals. 自由半浮球式疏水阀只有一个半浮球式的球桶为活动部件,开口朝下,球桶即是启闭件,又是密封件。
- Clear pipe line with pressurized steam before installation steam trap. 安装疏水阀之前应用带压蒸汽吹扫管道。
- A new type of thermostatic steam trap is designed with shape memory alloy(SMA). 利用形状记忆合金的功能特性设计了一种新型的热静力式蒸汽疏水阀;
- The inverted bucket steam trap shall be installed as indicated on the plans. 在计划要求的地方应该安装反向桶型疏水阀。
- G series of orveheat steam trap,Utilizing the principle of buoyance,auxiliary valve can fluctuate in the pipe mouth . 系列过热蒸汽疏水阀采用集水池的方式,副阀利用浮力原理,可以在进气管口上下浮动。
- The Steam Trap stays closed until the steam cools enough to turn into condensate. 这时疏水阀就处于关闭状态,直到蒸汽足够冷却到凝结为凝结水。
- Its structure,operational principle and technical keys of the nonvalve shaft SMA steam trap are described. 论述了这种新型无阀杆疏水阀的结构、工作原理和技术关键;
- Is Ultrasound Leak Detection Reliable for Steam Traps? 超声波泄漏检测方法应用于凝气器可靠性分析?
- Thermostatic steam trap is widely used product in the world due to its practical, Energy-saving and environment-care characteristics. 热静力型膜盒式疏水阀是目前国际上广泛采用的实用、节能、环保型疏水阀。
- By the experiment of using steam trap of the steam heater,considering the steadiness of control process ,gave a suggestion for the choice for steam trap. 通过对蒸汽加热器疏水器运行情况试验,从控制的稳定性考虑,对蒸汽加热器疏水器的选型提出了建议。
- There wasn't enough water to float the ship. 水不够深,船浮不起来。
- Series QF Radiator Steam Trap Replacement Kits are used to repair old or obsolete radiator steam traps without the cost of replacing the steam trap body or expensive repiping. 系列QF散热器疏水阀更换组件用于维修旧的或荒废的散热器疏水阀,不需要花费更换疏水阀阀体或进行昂贵的管道重新安装的成本。
- The stainless steel capsule and valve seat are designed as original equipment parts for many hard to find or obsolete radiator steam traps. 不锈钢腔和阀门阀座专用来替换许多很难找到或已经荒废的散热器疏水阀的早期设备部件。
- The divers tried to float the sunken ship. 潜水员想使沈船浮起。