- The water level of the Huaihe River has been droppingin its middle reaches as the flood crest flows downstream. 淮河中游水位已经下降,下游的水位达到了最高点。
- Some critics believe sedimentation is growing at a faster rate, which could eventually make the dam unable to contain a flood crest. 不过有意见认为,泥沙淤积的速度在加快,并最终会导致大坝无法承受洪峰。
- Before the fouth flood crest passes by 第四次洪峰经过之前
- See that your family is safe from flood crests, fire or falling buildings. 务必保证你的家人安全避开洪峰、火灾或倒塌的建筑物。
- As the flood crested, an oil slick caught fire and burned our house down to the waterline. 洪峰到来时,水面上的一层油膜不幸着火,把我家的房子吃水线以上部分全部烧塌。
- The flood cut a wide swath in this area. 洪水席卷了这一地区,满目一片疮痍。
- A flood of this sort is really unprecedented. 这样大的洪水真是十年九不遇。
- The stone buildings perch on a hill crest. 那些石头房子座落在山顶上。
- The flood did a lot of damage to the crops. 洪水毁坏了大量农作物。
- He reached the crest of the hill before dawn. 他于黎明前到达山顶。
- A flood of cheap imports has come into the shops. 大量廉价进口商品涌入商店。
- A crest or badge worn to distinguish the bearer. 纹章戴上以区别随从仆人的纹饰或标志
- A purse has been made up for the flood victim. 已经为水灾灾民募捐到一笔款子。
- The old bridge gave away by the recent flood. 最近一场洪水冲坍了那座旧桥。
- The flood inundated the whole district. 洪水淹没了整个地区。
- The river will crest in two hours. 两小时后河水将涨到最高点。
- Fortunately, the flood did not break the dike. 还好,这场大水没有把堤坝冲坏。
- The flood waters gradually subsided. 洪水逐渐退去。
- Inquire into design the flow of flood crest of the bridges and culverts by way of mathematical statis-tics 用数理统计的方法推求桥涵设计洪峰流量
- After its election victory, the party was on the crest of a wave. 该党在选举获胜後如日中天。