- Sediment deposited by flowing water, as in a riverbed, flood plain, or delta. 冲积层河床、洪水淹没的平原或三角洲中的流水淤积所产生的沉积层
- The lowest parts of the flood plain may form "back-swamps". 河漫滩最低的部分可以形成河漫滩沼泽。
- Channels generally contain coarser sediment than do the adjacent flood plains. 河床沉积物一般比邻近的泛滥平原沉积物粗些。
- Sediment deposited by flowing water,as in a riverbed,flood plain,or delta. 冲积层河床、洪水淹没的平原或三角洲中的流水淤积所产生的沉积层
- A set of color panels can be seen in the extreme upper portion of the photograph above the flood plain deposits. 在照片最上部的漫滩堆积上可以看到一组彩色标板。
- At that time the flat areas between what are now the islands of Hong Kong were part of an extended Pearl River flood plain. 现时香港岛屿之间的平坦地带,属当时珠江泛滥平原延伸地区的一部分。
- Dong Lu in Gaocheng City of Hebei Taihang Mountains in central and southern Plains, an Taihang piedmont alluvial flood plain tilt. 藁城市处于太行山东麓河北平原中南部,属太行山洪积冲积山前倾斜平原。
- The main type of soils on the Yellow River Flood Plain in North China is called Chaotu (alluvial soil) by Chinese. 摘要华北地区黄泛平原上的主要土壤类型是潮土,其成土母质是近代河流冲积物,它对土壤质地的影响很大。
- The depositional sequences of meandering river are typical of the development of point bars, crevasse-splays, natural levees and flood plains. 曲流河沈积以发育点砂垻、决口扇、天然堤和泛滥平原等微相单元为特徵。
- The project is sited in the flood plain of the Russian River, with deep, rich soil ideally suited for agriculture. 此工作室坐落在俄罗斯河流的洪泛区,地域富饶,土壤肥沃,非常适合农业生产。
- Civilization flourished first on fertile flooded plains. 人类文明首先繁荣于肥沃的洪泛平原。
- People living in mountainous regions and near fertile flood plains close to rivers are usually hurt by the annual rains. 生活在山区以及河流附近土地肥沃的平原上的居民每年都会遇到雨季带来的灾难。
- A levee runs along what remains of Main Street, but it's weak.That puts Grand Tower in a flood plain. 一条堤坝贯穿遗留的主要街道,但是堤坝十分脆弱,这使得高塔镇处在冲击平原。
- Taihang Mountain is located in the formerhan shan qu alluvial flood plain, which is part of the North China Plain. 邯山区地处太行山前冲积洪积平原,属华北平原一部分。
- All those dinosaurs that led happy, fruitful lives here on these ancient flood plains also died here, making Hell Creek a hotbed for fossils. 所有那些在这里的这些远古冲积平原上过着幸福和多产生活的恐龙也在这里死去,使得地狱溪成为化石的温床。
- A drier, rocky highland which I already described, and a rising flood plain which breaks this region into a series of small islands set amongst a shallow watery swamp area. 其中一个部分是我之前描述过的岩石高地,另外的一部分则是逐渐升起的被阴暗沼泽与河流分支包围的众多岛屿。
- The banks of the Yongning River in Taizhou were renaturalized in connection with the design of the River Park, creating additional flood plains (page 75). 与永宁公园的设计相结合,本来渠化的永宁江恢复了自然形态,增加了河流的行洪滩地。
- Abstract: The reservoir rocks of Lower Cretaceous Fuyu and Yangdachenzi unites wrer deposited in channels on the deltaic flood plain in Sanzhao area. 摘 要: 三肇地区下白垩统扶余和杨大城子油层储集岩主要为具有较高杂基含量的岩屑长石细砂岩和长石岩屑细砂岩。
- Sited on a flood plain, the Flemish-speaking west of the country is as flat as a proverbial pancake and cycle lanes and cyclists are everywhere. 比利时西部是冲积平原,像平底锅一样一马平川,到处是自行车道和车手,这里讲的是佛兰芒语。
- Taiwan also has an extreme topography resulting in volatile and powerful rivers, creating flood concerns compounded by unwise construction habits within river flood plains. 同时台湾还有极端的地形形成强力且有爆发力的河川,因为有在河床上建筑的习性而产生出担心洪水的因素。