- The floral water has arrived. Waiting for repack. 月尾有多种新花水到港!!
- It makes up of Eliminate black eyelid essential oil ,whiten and keep wet essential oil, clean stain essential oil, rose Floral water, rose bath-salt. 本套装由祛黑眼圈眼部调理精油、美白保湿调理精油、黑斑净化调理精油、玫瑰花卉露、玫瑰泡浴盐组成。
- Rose Marigold Floral Water delivers instantly hydrating and toning mists of pure and active rosewater. 纯净天然的玫瑰金盏花水立刻产生水合调整雾水,能一整天保护脸部皮肤。
- Formulated with immortelle floral water, this cream will soothe, moisturize, nourish, and tone the delicate skin around the eyes. 其配方蕴含蜡菊花水,具有舒缓、保湿、滋润和紧致眼部肌肤的功效。请每天两次将少量本品涂抹于眼部。
- A toner with antiaging benefits: Formulated with immortelle floral water, this toner removes traces of makeup and impurities and continues the antiaging process. 抗衰老爽肤配方:蕴含蜡菊花水,有效清除脸上残余的化妆及杂质,加强抗衰老功效。
- Brightening Cleansing Foam is a very gentle face cleanser that's enriched with Immortelle floral water and citrus fruit peel to lighten and brighten the complexion. 性质温和的泡沫洁面产品,彻底清除杂质、彩妆及日间或晚间积聚的污垢。
- Facial Cleanser, Cleansing Milk, Facial Scrub, Peeling Cream, Dehydrate mask, Aromatherapy Paper mask, Floral Water, Moisturizing Lotion, Hydrafresh Gel, and SPF 15 Lotion are simply your choice. 香薰洁面啫喱、洁面奶、深层洁净磨沙膏、去疤脱皮膏、水份漂白面膜、美白防皱香薰牛奶面膜、花卉爽肤水、特效补湿霜、清爽保湿啫喱及天竺葵防晒霜等产品就是你的选择。
- In order to meet the personal demand, we recommend the De luxe Combination which including Essential oil B, Compound Essential oil, Floral water, Fragrant oil and SPA Nursing and Slimming Oil. 为满足顾客个性化的需要,我公司推出精品套装,内含单方精油(B),复方精油,花卉露,香薰润肤油,薰香油。
- Therapeutic Hand &Body Lotion with certified organic lavender floral waters, herbal botanicals and pure essential oils will hydrate and nourish your skin. 含天然的植物配方,滋养皮肤、保护肌肤,预防斑点形成,增加皮肤的含水量,并维持适当的湿润平衡。
- Pure floral waters are by products of the steam distillation process of essential oils. Floral water is 100% natural hydrosol used after face wash to hydrate, refresh and balance skin conditions. 花卉水 是精华油蒸馏过程中溶于水的天然产品,清洁面部后可喷上适合的花卉水,使肌肤回复清爽,补充水份。
- The clear water mirrored the blue sky. 清澈的水中映出蔚蓝的天空。
- Lemon Liquid Soap blends our certified organic peppermint and lavender floral waters with healing herbal botanicals, vegetable glycerine and pure essential oils to cleanse, nourish and moisturize. 不含皂性成份,不伤肌肤,洗净效果柔和完整,无残留的潜在性,令皮肤回复清新光采。
- Rosemary Liquid Soap blends our certified organic peppermint and lavender floral waters with healing herbal botanicals, vegetable glycerine and pure essential oils to cleanse, nourish and moisturize. 不含皂性成份,不伤肌肤,洗净效果柔和完整,无残留的潜在性,令皮肤回复清新光采。
- Lavender Liquid Soap blends our certified organic peppermint and lavender floral waters with healing herbal botanicals, vegetable glycerine and pure essential oils to cleanse, nourish and moisturize. 不含皂性成份,不伤肌肤,洗净效果柔和完整,无残留的潜在性,令皮肤回复清新光采。
- The nurse diluted the drug with saline water. 护士用生理盐水把药加以稀释。
- The actress received numerous floral tributes. 那位女演员接受了许多献花。
- Putting water in brandy is sacrilege. 在白兰地中掺水是可恶的事。
- Water contains hydrogen and oxygen. 水含有氢和氧。
- He cooked the pasta in a large pan of boiling water. 他用一大锅开水煮义大利面食。
- I put the shirt in soapy water to soak out the stain. 我将衬衫浸在肥皂水里以去除污渍。