- Tianjin can there be to eat potato flour (or rice noodle casserole) in place? 天津哪有吃土豆粉(或砂锅米线)的地方?
- Yes, I ordered fried rice noodle, not fried rice. 好的,我要的是炒米粉而不是炒米饭。
- I'll have the fried Chinese rice noodle. 我吃炒粉。
- I want a fried rice noodle and a chicken soup, please. 我要一份炒米粉和一个鸡汤。
- I want a fried rice noodle and a chicken soup,please. 我要一份炒米粉和一个鸡汤。
- Development of the nutritious carrot instant rice noodle. 胡萝卜汁方便米粉的研制。
- There are the fried pancake,the fried noodle,the fired Chinese rice noodle and fried rice. 我们有油葱饼,炒面、炒粉和炒米饭。
- The fermentation process and sterilization technology for fresh rice noodle were discussed. 对发酵鲜米粉的杀菌工艺和发酵过程进行了研究。
- Recommend: mushroom, rice noodle, winter melon, kelp, glutinous rice, fish bean curd and so on. 推荐菜谱:金针菇/粉丝/腐竹/亲亲肠/鱼豆腐/冬瓜/生菜/海带/海带结/平菇/年糕/贡丸/香菇。
- Ingredients : 300g Fresh Rice noodle, 12pcs Shrimp, 1pc Ham, 1/2pc Onion, some Green onion, some Shredded Chili. 材料:鲜米粉半斤、虾12只、火腿1片、洋葱1/2个、葱适量、红辣椒丝适量。
- There are the fried pancake, the fried noodle, the fired Chinese rice noodle and fried rice. 我们有油葱饼,炒面、炒粉和炒米饭。
- Return the beef, add in bean sprout and green onion stalks into the wok and saut? with the rice noodle. 待河粉吸收汁料后,把牛肉回镬,再加入芽菜和葱段拌炒,即可上碟。
- English: Mian-pi(rice noodle),the most famous local snack of Hanzhong,Shannxi,China. 中文:汉中面皮,陕西汉中当地最为有名的小吃。
- Put servings of both noodle and rice noodle in each individual large noodle bowl. 将黄油面和米粉平均地放在每只大碗里。
- The over thousand movie fans go all out to proceed to flush, enough two thick “security human wall” only then low-grade “rice noodle” besieging. 逾千影迷拼命往前冲,足足两层厚的“保安人墙”才低档住“米粉”的围攻。
- This paper focused on early Indica rice to study the eating quality and physical property of rice noodle fermented by lactic acid bacteria. 以早籼稻为原料,利用乳酸菌发酵,探讨纯种微生物发酵对米粉的口感和物性的影响。
- The husband becomes emaciated day after day, the wife loves dearly very much, has simmered pot of broth, put in the rice noodle. 丈夫日渐消瘦,妻子很心疼,就煨了一罐肉汤,盛入米线。
- Today,I had a bowl of acrossed bridge rice noodle on my lunch. when I was eating it, I thought it very good, but now, I feld some troble,I already drank two glass of water. 今天中午吃了一碗过桥米线;吃的时候觉得很好吃;可是现在;我觉得有些不舒服;我已经喝了二杯水.
- Believe it or not, a set of Cross-bridge rice noodle can even include more than tens of dishes.It is worth to having a try, because this special flavor just can be enjoyed in YN. 一套过桥米线可以包括十多个冷热菜,还包括汽锅鸡,乳扇等云南各地地道美味,可谓是五花八门,只有想不到的,没有不可能的。
- Features: Apply for varied soup noodle and vegetable recipes, such as: pork ball soup, wonton soup, corn soup, chafing dish, beef noodle, shredded pork noodle, fried cuttlefish& fried rice noodle. 品高大骨汁,适用于各种汤类面食及食谱菜类的汤底,不输大骨熬出的汤头。大骨汁适用如:贡丸汤、饨汤、米汤、锅大骨汤、米粉等。