- Dotted arrows represent flow of information. 虚矢线表示信息流程。
- The flow of information goes one way only:downward. 信息的流动是单向的:只是向下属发号施令。
- You started a flow of information. 你就洋溢在川流不息的信息中。
- To make money in the new era, follow the flow of information. 要想在新的时代挣到钱,你得追随信息之流。
- The flow of information goes one way only: downward. 信息的流动是单向的:只是向下属发号施令。
- The advent of the Internet has accelerated the flow of information. 互联网的出现加速了信息的传播。
- They consequently work very hard to dominate the flow of information. 所以他们为主宰媒体信息做了很多工作。
- These units play a major role in maintaining the flow of information and helping to improve relations with the public. 这些新闻组在传递消息和协助改善政府与市民的关系方面,担当重要角色。
- Anybody who tries to block the flow of information is harming himself as well as others. 搞封锁是害人又害己。
- The sharing of commands and the flow of information from one program to another; a major goal of the software industry in the1980s. 从一个程序到另一个程序共享命令和信息流。集成软件是软件产业在80年代的一个主要目标。
- A free flow of water came from the pipe. 水从管道里通畅地流了出来。
- More often than not, this translates into a need for a free flow of information across those processes. 这通常也可以说成这些流程之间需要一个自由的信息流。
- A transparent, reliable and consistent flow of information coming from a respectable and official source. 在相关信息源和官方公布的资料的基础上,确保可以获得透明、可靠、持续稳定的信息流。
- We allow free flow of information, which is distinctively important in a world where knowledge drives economic growth. 我们容许资讯自由流通,而在经济增长由知识带动的世界,这是特别重要的。
- They feared that those thoughts also were being inspired by the ideas of the free flow of information supporters. 它们担心这些想法也是受到了信息自由流动支持者思想的鼓动。
- He's mine of information about insects. 他在昆虫方面有着渊博的知识。
- A flow of word is no proof of wisdom. 口若悬河,未必明智。
- Provide timely flow of information in accordance with the required sales administration process. 根据销售助理职位的要求,销售助理必须及时提供即时信息。
- Turn the cock to increase the flow of water. 请开大龙头以增加水流量。
- He has secret channels of information. 他有秘密的消息来源。