- The influence of the half-lives of superheavy elements, the flow rate of carrier gas and other factors on the experimental results were discussed. 讨论了超重元素的半衰期、吸附态的周期、载气流量以及化合物的质量密度等对实验结果的影响及该理论模型的优点和待改进的地方。
- flow rate of carrier gas 载气流速
- Methods Using methyl salicylate as inter-standard, the content of borneol was assayed by DB-5 capillary column with FID detector, programmed temperature and high pure helium as carrier gas with the flow rate of 1 mL/min. 方法以水杨酸甲酯作为内标,色谱柱为DB-5毛细管柱,FID检测器,程序升温,高纯氦气作为载气,流速为1mL/min。
- Classification of carrier gas and choice of flow rate 二、载气种类和流速的选择
- Turn on the carrier gas, and establish the proper flow rate. 接通载气,调至合适地流速。
- The less influential factor is temperature.Flowrate of carrier gas has a footy factor on Hg removal rate. 热解时间对脱汞效果影响最大,热解温度次之,载气流速的影响很小。
- The results indicated a strong interaction between the effect of carrier gas flow through the liner and temperature on the normalised areas. 这些参数对分析结果准确度的影响比较明显而对重复性不太明显。
- LPM -- Liters per minute. A measurement of a flow rate of gas or liquid. 每分钟公升数。用于表示气流或水流的速度。
- The PQR shall include the composition and flow rate of the shielding and inert gas backing, when used. 焊接工艺评定记录单上应包括封底焊时所用的惰性保护气体组成成分和流率。
- The maximum intensity was obtained when the flow rate of sample gas was set around 1.0-1.1L.min-1. 随流速增加,各元素的质谱峰信号先上升后下降,当流速为1.;0-1
- The total height of absorption tower is 6.5m, diameter of reaction pool is 1.2m and the flow rate of flue gas is about 150-2000Nm3/h. 吸收塔内径1.;2m;高6
- The test is designed to determine the flow rate of the reactor coolant pump. 试验是设计用来确定反应堆冷冻剂泵的流速。
- Check the flow rate of your showerhead by using a 5-gallon bucket and a clock. 检查流量的花洒用5加仑水桶和一个时钟。
- Factory set and sealed for a minimum alarm flow rate of 4 to 10 GPM. 工厂设置最小警报流量是4至10美制加仑/分钟,并加以封口。
- With this method, the temperatures of flue gas at the furnace and the stovepipe exit of a test boiler were calculated along with the changing of the flow rate of fuel gas. 通过计算得出了一台实验用相变-液浴式锅炉的炉胆出口烟气温度、排烟温度随天然气流量变化的曲线。
- mean linear velocity of carrier gas 载气平均线速
- In addition to the supply of carrier gases for electronics customers in China, Air Liquide also plays an active role in special gases supply, "gas cabinets" and turnkey piping system engineering. 除了电子客户的载气业务,液化空气集团还在电子特种气体、特气气柜以及管道配置系统集成方面扮演着相当重要的角色。
- The results show that the main effect on the oil production rate is the pyrolytic temperature.But gas flow rate and bed depth can also affect the rate of bio-oil. 结果表明热解温度是生物质产油率的主要影响因素,流化气流速和床层高度对产油率也有一定的影响。
- What's the going rate of computer programmers? 计算机程序设计人员的一般工资是多少?
- After the analysis on the error existed in the calculation to unresisting flow rate of gas well in Changqing oilfield, the original "one point" method is corrected. 经对长庆气田气井无阻流量计算存在误差的原因分析,对原有“一点法”的计算公式进行了修正、补充。