- flower and fruit of selfheal 夏枯草
- It causes disease in the flowers and fruits of Amomum tsao-ko. 发现感染草果的细菌有假单胞菌属和欧文氏菌属。
- Flower fade and fruit of summer fade. 花会凋谢,盛夏的果实会枯萎。
- The posture, foliage, flower and fruit of Cydonia oblonga Mill have highly ornamental value, so it is a good stirp of decorative trees. 其树姿、叶片、花和果实均具有较高的观赏价值,是较好的观赏树种;
- The seed is the potential flower and fruit. 种子是潜在的花和果实。
- I'm carving a flower and fruit basket. 我现在雕的就是个花果篮。
- The flowers and fruit of the wild rose can be used to make a natural herb tea, which is rich in trace nutrients. 野玫瑰花果是一种纯天然饮品,它含有丰富的微量元素。
- It is suitable for carving a flower and fruit basket. 它比较适合雕花果篮。
- Is surely suitable for carving a flower and fruit basket. 我听你这麼解释,的确很适合雕花果篮呢。
- Thinning Effect of Chemicals on Flower and Fruit of Jujube Trees 几种化学药剂对枣树花果疏除的效应
- The flowering and fruiting of the plants were normal and its seeds had grown a group of seedling. 开花结果正常,用种子已繁殖出一批新植株;
- Morphological studies on the flowers and fruits of the order Magnoliales in Taiwan. 台湾木兰目植物花果形态学之研究.
- Morphological studies on the flowers and fruits of the genera Fagus, Castanea, Castanopsis and Limlia. 台湾木青冈、板栗、苦槠及淋漓等属树木花果之形态学研究.
- Morphological studies on the flowers and fruits of the genus Lithocarpus in Taiwan. 台湾石栎属树木花果之形态学研究.
- Zhangzhou enjoys a reputation of “A Land of Flowers and Fruits”. 漳州素有“花果之乡”的美誉。
- All thy trees and fruit of thy land shall the locust consume. 你所有的树木和你地里的出产必被蝗虫所吃。
- The variation regularity and correlation of the content of mineral nutrient elements(Cu,Zn,Fe,Mn,Ca,Mg and K) in leaf,flowers and fruits of sweet cherry cultivated in solar green-house were studied. 以6年生甜樱桃品种‘红灯’为试材,对设施栽培樱桃叶、花、果实中矿质营养元素(Cu,Zn,Fe,Mn,Ca,Mg,K)的含量、生长期动态变化规律及其相关性进行了研究。
- A stall selling flowers and fruits. 胶做的水果也有人买?
- Studies on development of flower and fruit of'Ruiguang No.3' nectarine in greenhouse 大棚瑞光3号油桃花器与果实发育动态研究
- Techniques for Protecting Flower and Fruit of Apricot Whose Kernel Will be Used In High, Cold and Dry Farmland 高寒旱薄山地仁用杏保花保果技术