- flower of hyacinth bean 扁豆花
- She painted a picture of hyacinth. 她画了一幅风信子的画。
- She wore a necklace of hyacinth. 她戴着一条红锆石项链。
- They are the flower of our nation. 他们是我们民族的精英。
- My flower of the day dropped its petals forgotten. 我的昼间之花,落下它那被遗忘的花瓣。
- Effects of Photoperiodic Treatment on the Endogenous hormones and Dissociative Amino Acid of Hyacinth Bean Leaves 光周期对扁豆真叶内源激素及游离氨基酸含量的影响
- She painteda picture of hyacinth. 她画了一幅风信子的画。
- coat of hyacinth bean 扁豆衣
- Tissue culture and plant regeneration of Hyacinth orientalis L. 风信子的组织培养和植株再生。
- He is man is the flower of his life, about thirty. 他是年富力强的人,约30岁。
- The flower of any of these plants. 百合花任何这些植物的花朵
- Your lordship is the flower of courtesy. 阁下真是礼貌的典范。
- He was the fine flower of university training. 他是大学教育灿烂的结晶。
- Flay of lotus seed, hyacinth bean, add polished glutinous rice 50 grams, boil to ropy, add candy edible. 莲子、扁豆去皮,加糯米 50克,煮至粘稠,加糖食用。
- The isomerous flower of the tulip. 郁金香的等基数花
- The peony is the city flower of Luoyang. 牡丹是洛阳的市花。
- As for the former band of grass jasmine flowers, impatiens, morning glory, hyacinth bean flowers, it is a beautiful courtyard of the home. 至于阶前花圃中的草茉莉、凤仙花、牵牛花、扁豆花,更是四合院的家常美景了。
- He is a man in the flower of his life,about thirty. 他是个年富力强的人,大约三十岁。
- He is man is the flower of his life,about thirty. 他是年富力强的人,约30岁。
- Ormosia and Yi benevolence, cornmeal, hyacinth bean, black soya bean, pignut is boiled together, still have the effect of n/med beriberi of prevention and cure. 红豆与薏仁、麦片、扁豆、黑豆、花生米一起煮,还有防治脚气的功效。