- By coupling fluid flow in lateral borehole and percolation in reservoir, an equation to calculate the optimum length of horizontal segment has been theoretically derived, forming a practic... 水平井段的长度不仅影响水平井的单井产量、钻井成本和泄油面积,而且影响油田的钻井数目和开发投资。
- Barrier/interbed of land facies reservoir is one of the important impact factors during fluid flowing in reservoir and is the important content in detailed description of reservoir. 摘要陆相储层隔夹层是流体在储层中流动的重要影响因素之一,也是储层精细表征的重要内容。
- fluid flow in reservoir 油藏渗流
- The results from experimental data of low permeability cores by dimensionless analysis show that the fluid flow in low permeability reservoir is non-Darcy flow. 用无因次分析法对低渗透岩心的实验数据进行了分析,得出新的低渗透油藏非达西渗流方程,并建立了油水两相渗流的数学模型。
- The fluid flow properties and mechanism of fluid flow in low-permeability reservoir with fractured sandstones are complicated.The spontaneous imbibition of water is very important for oil recovery. 低渗透裂缝性油田开发比较复杂 ,其中水的自发渗吸对原油的开采十分有利。
- Measurement of fluid flow in pipes using orifice, nozzle, and Venturi. 用孔板,管接头和文丘里管测量管道中的液体流量。
- The fluid flow in a square channel was investigated using dissipative particle dynamics (DPD). 摘要利用耗散粒子动力学(DPD)对方形通道内流体流动进行了模拟。
- The results show that the simulated flow field could report the fluid flow in mold with complex nuzzle structure. 结果表明:流场模拟能够准确反映具有复杂水口结构特点的结晶器中的流动现象。
- The existing problems have been put forward from the point of view of fluid flow in PSF. 焙烧区在靠近导风墙侧和均热区气流薄弱。
- The effect of fluid flow in the CVI reactors on the deposition velocity and quality is very important. CVI反应器内气体的输运对基体的沉积速度与沉积质量有重要的影响。
- The fluid flow in the funnel type mold and the expanding nozzle of the CSP-thin slab continuous casting-has been numerically studied by 3-D solid modeling and FDM programming. 以CSP薄板坯连铸漏斗型结晶器和扩张型水口为研究对象,通过对水口和结晶器三维实体几何造型,采用自行编制的有限差分程序对具有复杂结构的结晶器与水口中的流场同时进行了数值模拟。
- In this paper, heat transfer and fluid flow in passage for trailing edge of turbine blade with pin-fin arrays is studied numerically. 本文应用湍流模型对涡轮叶片尾缘针肋通道的换热与流动进行了二维数值模拟研究。
- Abstract: A mathematical model of fluid flow in low permeability gas reservoirs is developed, with gas slippage effect taken into consideration. 文摘:低渗透气田在我国分布极广,开发此类气田具有重要的现实意义。
- It contains a study of fluid flow in metamorphic environments and their interaction with rock properties such as porosity and tortuosity. 内容包括变质环境下的液体流动研究,以及与岩石之间的相互作用,如岩石的多孔性、弯曲性等。
- The computer simulation of fluid flow in pit furnace when large sized gears gas carburized has been done using the theory of hydrokinetics. 利用流体动力学的基本原理用计算机模拟了大尺寸齿轮在井式渗碳炉内进行气体渗碳时的流场分布。
- Parasagittal scans show amniotic fluid flowing in and out of the nasal fossae. 矢状面扫描显示羊水进出鼻腔。
- ISO/TR 3313:1998,Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits-Guidelines on the effects of flow pulsations on flow-measurement instruments[S]. 流量测量装置用孔板、喷嘴和文丘里管测量充满圆管的流体流量[S].
- Objective To study the effect of anisotropic hydraulic conductivity coefficient on interstitial fluid flow in solid tumor. 摘要目的研究实体肿瘤组织间质各向异性传导系数对流体流动的影响。
- The principle of treament relies on reducing fluid flow in the tubules,blocking the nerve response in the pulp or possibly both. 牙本质敏感的治疗原理包括减少牙本质小管内的液体流动和(或)阻断牙本质小管内的神经传导。
- Widely distributed in reservoir catchments and upland streams. 广泛分布于水塘集水区和上游溪流。