- fluxing with alkali 用碱熔解, 用碱助熔
- The paper described the deinking of ONP/OMG with alkali Lipase and blended L/C. 该文综合研究了碱性脂肪酶用于ONP/OMG脱墨的最佳工艺条件,并探讨了复配一定的纤维素酶的脱墨效果。
- Hemicellulose was extracted with alkali from bagasse delignified by different ways. 通过对甘蔗渣采用不同方法脱除木素后,再用碱液抽提半纤维素。
- The discussion of problem such as crucible protecting, operating technique, fluxing property and fluxing condition etc. in the method of fluxing silicate sample with alkali carbonate. 用碱金属碳酸盐熔融硅酸盐样品方法中,有关坩埚保护、操作技术、熔剂性质、熔融条件等问题的探讨。
- The tests of extraction aluminium from alumstone with alkali fusion method were carried out. 对用碱熔法从明矾石中提取铝进行了实验。
- Molybdenum is restrained in solid phase,and leached directly with alkali to produce molybdate with high purity. 钼抑制于固相,直接用纯碱浸之,制成纯度较高的钼盐。
- The deashing of coal was studied under atmo-sphere with alkali treatment followed by acid washing. 考察了碱煤比、反应温度、时间、粒度组成等对两种煤脱灰的影响,并对脱灰机理作了初步分析。
- The resin features stable reusability when regenerated with alkali NaClO and transformed by HCI. 树脂用碱性次氯酸钠溶液再生,盐酸转型后,重复使用性能稳定。
- This paper compares the agglomerated flux with fused flux, and introduces the usage and production technology process of agglomerated flux. 对比了烧结焊剂与熔炼焊剂的区别,从中介绍了烧结焊剂的使用特点和生产工艺流程;
- The trawsform on the weld penetration depth are studied after welding the Austenitic steel of activated flux with TIG welding. 在采用TIG焊接方法时,在奥氏体不锈钢的表面涂敷一层活性化焊剂进行焊接,会影响焊缝熔深的变化。
- The peeling process with alkali for PET/COPET composite sea-island supermicro fiber is discussed in particular. 重点阐述PET/COPET复合海岛超细纤维的碱溶离开纤,分析了氢氧化钠等碱剂开纤剂的作用特点和注意事项;
- The axial dispersion in chromatography models was discussed with vector method and the effect of diffusion on the bulk flow flux with its partial quantity form was pointed too. 用矢量方法讨论了色谱模型中的轴向扩散项,指出轴向扩散项是扩散通量以分量的形式在主体流动通量上的页献。
- The membranes exhibit good hydrophilic performance and high water flux with highly loose and inter-connective microstructure, which is potential for the separation of protein. 优化了制膜工艺条件,并对影响膜结构与性能的一些因素,如聚合物浓度、添加剂含量、铸膜液温度和凝固浴温度进行了研究。
- The technologies of formulating beverages directly with konjac flour, after treatment with alkali and after enzymolysis were compared and studied. 对比研究了魔芋精粉直接配制、碱处理后配制和酶解处理后配制生产饮料的工艺。
- Considering the single characteristic of the users for our company,we put forward the way to remove impurities by combining salt with alkali. 并根据大清河盐化集团有限公司原盐用户单一性的特点,提出了盐碱结合除去杂质的思路。
- Calculations using CNDO/2 method have been performed for the reactions of some crown ethers with alkali ions in aqueous solutions. 本文应用CNDO/2方法对几种冠醚与碱金属离子在水溶液中的配位反应能进行了计算。
- I am a hundred percent in agreement with you. 我百分之百同意你的看法。
- Don't let your temper run away with you. 要控制住自己,不要发脾气。
- Benzofuroxan (BFO) is obtained generally by oxidization of 2-nitroaniline by sodium hypochlorite with alkali metal hydrates used as the catalysts. 苯并呋咱-N-氧化物(BFO)一般以碱金属氢氧化物为催化剂通过次氯酸钠氧化邻硝基苯胺合成得到。
- I have a huge pile of letters to deal with. 我有一大堆信件要处理。