- A flock of wild geese flew overhead. 一群野鹅从头顶飞过。
- I can hear a plane flying overhead. 我听到一架飞机正从上空飞过。
- Every year in this season, groups of bird fly overhead. 每年这个时候都会有成群的鸟在头顶上飞。
- A child on a farm sees a plane fly overhead and dreams of a faraway place. 农场的儿童看见飞机飞过,就会想象很遥远的地方。
- A great congregation of birds flew overhead. 一大群鸟从头上飞过。
- The constant noise of air craft flying overhead gets on everyone's nerves. 连续不断的习机轰鸣声老在头上响着,使得人人心烦意乱。
- He threw himself down as the bullet flew overhead. 子弹从头顶飞过时,他迅速卧倒。
- There were jet planes flying overhead. 头顶上有喷气式飞机在飞。
- Planes flew overhead constantly. 飞机不断从头顶上飞过。
- The planes flew overhead with a low drone. 飞机发出低沉的轰鸣声掠过头顶。
- Jets fly overhead in Afyon, Turkey, August, 26, 2008, as part of the celebration of Turkey's 86th Army Day. 8月26日,土耳其空军在阿菲永进行飞行表演,庆祝土耳其建军86周年。8月26日,土耳其空军在阿菲永进行飞行表演,庆祝土耳其建军86周年。
- A child on a farm sees a plane fly overhead and dreams of a faraway place. A traveler on the plane sees the farmhouse and dreams of home. 农场上的孩子看到飞机从头顶飞过,就会梦想到一个遥远的地方。坐在飞机上的旅客看到农舍,就会梦想到家。
- Ad. Above your head; in the sky Birds flew overhead. 鸟儿从天空飞过,飞向南方。
- Well, a bald eagle just flew overhead," the first guy says. 好吧,一只秃鹰刚刚从我们头顶飞过。”第一个人说。
- A plane flew overhead, leaving a white trail in the sky. 一架飞机飞过,在苍空中留下了一条白线。
- The constant noise of aircraft flying overhead gets on everyone's nerves. 飞机在人们头顶不断轰鸣飞过,使所有的人心烦。
- There was an ear-splitting roar as a the Red Arrows display team flew overhead. 当红箭表演队在头顶上空飞过时,传来一阵震耳欲聋的吼声。
- You see a bird flying overhead seeking the thermals that allow it to soar effortlessly through the blue sky. 你看到有一只鸟从你的头上飞过。它正寻找着热气流,使它能毫不费力地翱翔在蓝天。
- The bird caught a bug on the fly. 那鸟在飞行中捉住了一只昆虫。
- At noon, Almond flew overhead in his “Blue Goose” to see for himself that things were going well. 中午时分,阿蒙德乘坐他的“蓝天鹅”号专机亲自飞临现场上空以确认修建工作进展良好。