- She passed her examination with flying colours. 她以出色的成绩通过了考试。
- Our team came off with flying colours I the football match. 在这次足球比赛中我们队大获全胜。
- She came through/passed her exams with flying colours. 她考试成绩优异。
- My daughter took her final exams and passed them with flying colours. 我女儿参加了期末考试,并获得了成功。
- You've come through the ordeal with flying colours. 你已经成功地经受了考验。
- She passed the exam with flying colours. 她以优异成绩通过了考试。
- He graduated with flying colours. 他以优异成绩毕业。
- He passed his examination with flying colours. 他成功地通过了考试。
- Thora passed all her exams with flying colours. 索洛顺利地通过了她所有的考试。
- They accomplished their task with flying colours. 他们出色地完成了任务。
- He won the champion in music competition with flying colours. 他在音乐比赛中获得了杰出的成绩,夺得冠军。
- We expect your son to pass the exam with flying colours. 我们期待您的儿子能够在考试中取得优异成绩。
- We must have this work finished with flying colours by Monday. 我们一定要在星期一以前出色地完成这项工作。
- The speaker hammered at his opponent's ideas with flying colours. 讲演人对其对手的主张不断地、出色地进行抨击。
- She came through her French test with flying colours. 她以优异成绩通过了法语考试。
- After she finished her conversation with flying colours, she hung up. 她出色地谈完之后, 把电话挂了。
- The National Women's Volleyball Team won the game in t he Olympics,and returned with flying colours. 我们国家女子排球队在奥林匹克运动会上比赛得胜,凯旋归来。
- The former Rimini midfielder broke his leg last season, but came through his Roma medical with flying colours. 上赛季这位前里米尼中场腿部骨折,但他成功地通过了罗马的体格检查。
- If you had not interfered, I should have finished my work with flying colours by now. 要不是你打扰我的话, 我现在早已出色地完成了我的工作。
- Ignoring fatigue, they kept at the job and finished it three weeks quicker than planned with flying colours. 他们不顾疲劳坚持工作, 比计划提前三个星期出色地完成了任务。