- Results:Heterotopic choroid plexus carcinoma presented focal neurological signs and progressive intracranial hypertension.It s appearance of imageology was not typical. 结果:临床表现为局限性神经系统损害和进行性颅高压征,影像学表现不典型。
- Computed tomography scan is used to evaluate focal neurologic signs. 扫描用于检查局灶性神经病学体征。
- focal neurological signs 神经系统定位体征
- Positive predictive value for migraine was 100% when drawings contained artistic depiction of focal neurologic signs or periorbital pain; 当图画包含有病兆神经病学体症状或眼窝疼痛的艺术描述时,偏头痛的阳性预测值为100%25;
- neurological signs of focal damage 局灶损伤的神经系统体征
- The persistent focal neurological deficit with gross CT-documented infarction could occasionally be found in patients with TTP. 偶尔,我们也可以见到CT证实为较大梗塞的,表现为持续轻偏瘫的TTP病人。
- A neurological examination and a neuropsychological assessment revealed prominent anterograde memory impairment without focal neurological deficits. 神经病学检查和神经生理学评估揭示突出的顺行性记忆障障不伴有神经病学的病灶。
- Vascular malformation can be found in various parts of the central nervous system and usually presents with headache, seizures, and focal neurological deficit. 摘要血管畸形可发生于颅内各处,多以癫痫及局部神经学障碍为表现。
- Craniotomy and evacu-ation of hematoma was done when the neurological signs were worsening. 而当神经学症状恶化时,立即实行头颅切开术及血块清除。
- Patients who hae been treated with Rituxan and present or deelop new neurological signs or symptoms should be ealuated for PML. 已服用利妥昔单抗的患者并存在或发生新的神经体征或症状的患者应评估是否患有PML。
- Methods Of 24 patients with LSS, 13 patients had neurogenic intermittent claudication(NIC) only, and 11 patients with neurological signs. 方法24例LSS病人中13例仅表现为神经性间歇性跛行(NIC),另外11例病人同时有神经学体征。
- Besides of acute esotropia, four had papilledema, one had optic atrophy, and three had associated other neurological signs. 除了急性内斜视之外,4个病例有视神经乳头水肿,1个病例有视神经萎缩,3个病例有其他视经学上的症状。
- Herein, a young female with vertigo and lacking traditional neurological signs was assumed initially to be suffering from a labyrinthine disorder. 最近我们经验一例年轻女性以急性眩晕表现,由于不具传统神经学徵象,因此被认为是末稍性迷路病变,而转介至本科门诊。
- Computed tomography scan is used to evaluate focal neurologic sig . CT扫描用于检查局灶性神经病学体征。
- Information was obtained from each primary physician on symptoms of preceding infection;initial symptoms;neurological signs during the illness;the clinical cour... 对到本神经免疫实验室进行血清抗神经节苷脂抗体检测的9300例患者的病历进行回顾性分析。
- Intracranial cerebrospinal fluid volume increases, it is called hydrocephalus. In addition to neurological signs, the frequent mental decline or dementia. 颅内脑脊液容量增加,就称为脑积水。除神经体征外,常有精神衰退或痴呆。
- Of them, none had ataxia or other neurological sign, except strabismus or amblyopia in 3 and familial history in 2. 由临床徵候来看,先天性眼振患者均无步态不稳或其他神经学症状,少数则伴有斜视、弱视及家族史;
- In these cirrhotic patients, the initial presentation of brain abscess may not be fever or leukocytosis, but focal neurologic deficits. 而在这些肝硬化患者中,脑脓疡刚开始的临床表现可能不是发烧或白血球上升,而是局部的神经学上缺失。
- Neurologic signs and symptoms were evaluated before and after surgery and during follow up for 11 3 months on avera... 结果所有患者植骨融合,并发症包括伤口大血肿1例,声音嘶哑1例,患者神经功能均改善。
- Seizures and focal neurologic deficits may be the complications of neurosyphilis, but status epilepticus as a presenting picture of neurosyphilis is rare. 摘要癫痫发作和局部神经功能缺损可能是神经性梅毒的并发症,但是以癫痫重积状态为初始症状表现仍是相当罕见的。