- The skyscraper was wrapped in fog. 摩天大楼笼罩在云雾之中。
- The liner ran down a fishing-boat during the dense fog. 班轮在浓雾中撞沉了一只渔船。
- The view was obliterated by the fog. 景色被浓雾遮住了。
- Keep away from that house. They have scarlet fever. 不要接近那一家,他们在患猩红热。
- The headlamps penetrated the fog. 车的前灯的光射进雾中。
- Traffic was interrupted by a dense fog. 交通因浓雾而受阻。
- In a fog everything looks vague. 在雾中一切东西都显得模糊。
- The ship hit heavy fog on its voyage. 船在航行时碰上了大雾。
- He had a high fever which nearly finished him off. 他发了一次高烧,差点把命送了。
- John returned from the tropics worn down by fever. 约翰从热带回来时已经给热病弄得衰弱不堪了。
- Fog will persist throughout the night. 雾将整夜不散。
- Her fever lasted five days without intermission. 她连续五天一直发烧。
- The skyscrapers were swathed in fog. 那些摩天大楼笼罩在雾中。
- Fever is symptomatic of illness. 发烧是疾病的症候。
- A strange shape could be seen through the fog. 在雾中隐约可见到一个奇怪的人形。
- The little boy flushed from fever. 小男孩发烧烧得脸通红。
- The boat was soon lost sight of in the fog. 不久小船在雾中看不见了。
- An attack of fever carried Gary off. 加里突然患了一种热病,不幸死亡。
- The ship came into sight out of the fog. 那艘船驶出浓雾,依稀可见。
- That fever nearly finished him off. 那场热病几乎送了他的命。