- foliated talc 片状滑石,叶片滑石
- An arch that is foliated in the Gothic style. 一座按哥特式风格饰以叶形装饰的拱门
- The injected drug was diluted with the talc. 注入的药物用滑石稀释。
- Guangxi Longguang Talc Development Co., Ltd. 广西龙广滑石开发有限公司。
- Natural talc is a multimineral aggregate. 天然滑石矿是多种矿物的集合体。
- Response for supporting the TALC developing. 负责协调整车背光开发工作。
- Ingredients:Nacre Powder, Mica Powder, Talc, etc. 成份:珠光粉、云母粉、滑石粉等。
- I think the foliated rocks within the belt are mostly mylonite. 我认为在这个片理化带中的大多数岩石都是糜棱岩。
- An ornament at the top of a spire or gable,usually a foliated fleur-de-lis. 在一个尖顶或者山形墙顶上的装饰品,通常由德国的叶状锂构成。
- To reduce this problem, we sprinkle the hands and arms liberally with talc. 为克服这个问题我们在手臂上多洒些滑石粉。
- Even foliated metamorphic rocks and banded gabbro can be curved to form folds. 即使变质岩中的片理以及辉长岩中的条带也可产生弯曲而形成褶皱。
- A densely foliated lemon tree permanently shades half the enclosure. 一棵枝叶浓茂的柠檬树常年遮蔽住场地的一半。
- The development prospect of the talc used in plastics industry are discussed. 同时,通过分析国内外塑料市场的发展趋势,讨论了滑石在塑料中的应用前景。
- The results of DSC showed glass fiber,flamer retardant particls and talc ... DSC分析表明玻纤、阻燃剂粒子、滑石粉均起到了成核剂的作用。
- The crystals represent talc that is used to to dilute the injected drug. 晶体代表滑石,滑石用来稀释注射的药物。
- All these can effectively prevent ceramic based Talc from aging and powdering. 这些都可以有效地防止滑石瓷的老化和粉化。
- The analysis of FT-IR showed the presence of some PMMA on the talc surface. 红外光谱分析表明,在接枝滑石粉表面存在着PMMA。
- Let us go back to the boundary of granite and foliated granite and observe their contact relation. 我们再转回到花岗岩与片理花岗岩的接触处,去观察一下二者之间的接触关系。
- Over there, it has been grading into foliated rock with its color and composition similar to those of granite. 而在那边,花岗岩逐渐过渡成颜色和成分与花岗岩相似的片理化岩石。
- A banded or foliated metamorphic rock,usually of the same composition as granite. 片麻岩层状或叶片状变质岩,成分通常与花岗岩相同