- To follow set cash flow procedures, cashing up procedures and the safe handling and keeping of monies. 遵照已设定的前台现金流量步骤,结算程序和完全处理和保管钱。
- The following set of relations hold.Their inverses do not. 这三种子语言之间有如下关系成立,但这些关系反过来并不成立。
- Effective supervision of all guest arrivals and departures ensuring that room allocations and check in/check out processes follow set procedures and are customer focused. 有效的流程管理以确保所有客人的登记入住和结账都符合规定程序,并关注客人感受。
- Marked by callisthenic beauty and rhythm and suggestive of real fighting, their movements follow set patterns that are designed more for health-building than for self defence. 这种运动富于柔性美和节奏感,也会让人联想到真正的打斗,其中的动作遵循设定的模式,其设计更多是出于健身考虑,而非防身之用。
- The following set of lecture notes cover every major topic discussed in class. 下列的课堂讲稿涵盖了课堂上所讨论的每一个主题。
- The following set of commands achieves the same purpose, however, it is longer and not recommended. 以下语句可以达到相同的目的,无论如何,它是很久以前的和不被推荐的。
- But the following set of fast turns and swift high kicks sent him crashing to the practice room's thin carpet. 然而随后的一整套快速翻转和灵活的高踢腿动作却使他手忙脚乱,结果摔到了练功房薄薄的地毯上。
- It is now our aim to set up a factory. 我们现在的目的是创办一座工厂。
- Chemistry A series of reactions in which one product of a reacting set is a reactant in the following set. 链式作用:其中一个反应级的产物构成下一个反应组的反应物的一系列反应,
- SDM documents are identified using the following set of attributes: document name, version, culture, platform, and public key token. 使用以下属性集标识SDM文档:文档名称、版本、区域性、平台和公钥标记。
- For example, in the expression used in the following SET statement, the multiplication operator has a higher precedence than the addition operator. 例如,在下面的SET语句所使用的表达式中,乘运算符具有比加运算符更高的优先级别。
- Persisted computed columns require the following SET options to be set as shown in the previous section "Required SET Options for Indexed Views". 持久化计算列需要将以下SET选项设置为在上一部分“索引视图所需的SET选项”中显示的内容。
- He plotted out the course the ship should follow. 他在海图上标绘出了这艘船该走的航线。
- Right other those who attend, manage battle of 3 years of the following set term of imprisonments, arrest, control right of privative perhaps politics. 对其他参加的,处三年以下有期徒刑、拘役、管制或者剥夺政治权利。”
- In each of the three OCR scenarios, you can control the following settings. 在这三个方案的每一种方案中,您均可控制下列设置。
- I didn't quite follow; could you explain it again? 我不太明白,你能再解释一下吗?
- Define learnability. Would the following set of languages be learnable? If yes, describe the learning procedure. If no, explain why not. 定义可习得性。下列语言组合是可学习的吗?若为是,请描述学习过程。若为否,请解释。
- She spend a lot of money to follow the fashion. 为赶时髦她花费了不少钱。
- She had the sapphire set in a gold ring. 她把那枚蓝宝石镶在金戒指上了。
- Follow after truth if you would be a man. 做一个男子汉就要追求真理。