- Do the results logically follow from the methods? 由方法产生的结果是否合乎逻辑?
- They must follow from the basic principles. 它们就一定是自基本原理推导得出来的。
- The same events follow from the same causes. 同样的事情常跟着同一的原因而来。
- Two corollaries follow from this idea. 由这个想法随后引出了两个推论。
- Such and such results will follow from such and such causes. 有如此这般的原因就有如此这般的结果。
- S-and such results will follow from such and such causes. 有如此这般原因就有如此这般的结果。
- Such and such results follow from such and such causes. 这样那样的原因就产生这样那样的结果。
- Proof. i)is trivial, and ii)follows from i). 证明,i)是显然的,ii)是由i)推出的。
- Not following from premises or evidence;illogical. 不合理的与前提或证据不符合的;不合逻辑的
- Not following from premises or evidence; illogical. 不合理的与前提或证据不符合的;不合逻辑的
- Something that logically or naturally follows from an action or condition. 结果一种行为或情况在逻辑上或自然而然产生的结果
- This behavior follows from the Thomson atomic model. 这种行为可由汤姆森原子模型推知。
- The proposition that must follow from the major and minor premises in a syllogism. 结论三段论中必须从主前题和次前题得出的结论
- I don't see how that follows from what you've just said. 根据你刚才所说的,我不明白怎么会产生那样的结果。
- Change the following from direct speech into indirect speech. 把下列句子由直接引语改为间接引语。
- Users can keep drilling as long as there is a relationship to follow from the current item. 只要具有从当前项遵循的某种关系,用户就可以钻取报表。
- Youthful and lively fruit flavors of strawberry, raspberry, and loganberry follow from the nose. 草莓、山莓与罗甘莓的果味清新活跃。
- Sir Nicholas's ethics may be appealing, but according to Mr Nordhaus the economics that follow from them are absurd. 尼古拉斯爵士的伦理规范可能非常具有感染力,但是劳德豪斯先生认为,背后的经济学理论是荒谬的。
- The Heaven gives us adversity and restrictions, rules to follow from which we can grow and gain strength. 上苍赋予我们困境和约束,赋予我们成长和增强实力所要遵从的规则。
- The Heaven gives us adversities, limits and rules to follow from which we can grow and gain strength. 从上苍给于我们的条框中,我们得以成长,得以坚强。