- Four million Kenyans depend on food aid. 4百万肯尼亚人需要粮食援助。
- International food aid is only part of the answer to famine. 国际粮食援助只能解决部分的饥荒问题。
- The government of Sudan has appealed for emergency food aid. 苏丹政府呼吁紧急食品援助。
- The charity approached several stores about giving food aid. 这家慈善机构与多家商店接洽,希望他们给与食物援助。
- In practice, food aid has not been so directed in many cases. 实际上,粮食援助的方向在许多情况下并非如此。
- And United Nations officials said as many as two million Somalis need food aid. 联合国官员说,有多达两百万索马里人需要粮食援助。
- It was also counting on getting food aid from South Korea, its biggest donor. 朝鲜当局当时还指望从其最大施主韩国获得粮食援助。
- Germany supplies 650 tons of food aid to 83,000 students in northern Cameroon. 德国提供650吨食物,援助喀麦隆北边八万三千名学生。
- The United States for example, provides food aid from its surplus crops. 举例来说,美国用其多余的粮食来提供粮食援助。
- Turkey donates over US$1 million dollars food aid to UNRWA for distribution to refugees in northern Lebanon. 土耳其捐一百多万美元食品给联合国难民救济及工程局,发给黎巴嫩北部的难民。
- They protect refugees,deliver food aid and respond quickly to natural disasters. 它们保护难民、提供粮食援助,迅速应对自然灾害。
- And although China is secretive about its food aid to North Korea, WFP officials believe shipments have fallen sharply this year. 虽然中国对其给予朝鲜的食品援助守口如瓶,但WFP官员确信,今年的货物输送量已经锐减。
- This year, the humanitarian organization estimates an additional 25 million people will need food aid. 今年,人道主义组织预计需要食物援助的人口将增加2500万。
- Bilateral trade deals, food aid, and special preferences have further distorted trade flows in agriculture. 双边贸易交易,粮食援助以及特惠措施使农产品贸易流量进一步遭到扭曲。
- Hundreds of thousands of tons of food aid arriving from Western countries and charitable organizations. 西方国家和慈善机构送来的几十万吨救济食品。
- Some people worry that strong demand may push up food prices and reduce supplies of corn for food aid or farm animals. 一些人担心强大的需求会促使食品价格,减少玉米食物的产量援助和家禽!
- They protect refugees, deliver food aid and respond quickly to natural disasters. 它们保护难民、提供粮食援助,迅速应对自然灾害。
- Take Ethiopia, notorious for its recurring famines, with 7m people still on food aid. 以埃塞俄比亚为例,该国以反复发生饥荒著名,至今仍有700万人依靠粮食救济生活。
- Democrats want to extend unemployment benefits and boost food aid for the poor as part of the stimulus package. 民主党人希望延长失业救济,增加穷人的食品救济,作为刺激经济的一个部分。
- UNODC and the Laotian government had to appeal to the World Food Programme (WFP) for emergency food aid. UNODC与老挝政府不得不呼吁世界粮食计划署进行紧急粮食救助。