- Rice is the staple food crop in Zhejiang province. 水稻是浙江省主要粮食作物。
- Maize is the most important food crop for millions of people in the world. 玉米是全世界千百万人最主要的粮食。
- Throughout the temperate zones, wheat has become the primary food crop. 在各个温度带,小麦都是主要的粮食作物之一。
- Prices for rice the main food crop have doubled in Bangladesh in the past year. 去年,孟加拉最主要的粮食作物大米的价格翻了一倍。
- Rice is an important food crop. 稻是重要的粮食作物。
- They grow food crops at home for many reasons. 他们在家里种植粮食作物有许多不同理由。
- So is the use of food crops to produce biofuels. 因此,是利用粮食作物生产生物燃料。
- Prices for rice, the main food crop, have doubled in Bangladesh in the past year. 大米的价格,主要的食品农作物,去年在孟加拉国已经翻一倍。
- More importantly, rice is a staple food crop worldwide, also an important model monocot plant. 更重要的是,水稻是一种主要的粮食作物,也是单子叶模式植物。
- Today, the potato is Kazakhstan's most important food crop after wheat, with average per capita consumption of a high 90 kg a year. 如今,在哈萨克马铃薯是仅次于小麦的最重要粮食作物,年人均消费量为90公斤。
- The potato is now Nepal's second staple food crop, after rice, and per capita consumption has almost doubled since 1990 to 51 kg a year. 自1990年以来,人均消费量几乎翻了一番,达到每年51公斤。
- There is even a Web site to help bring more attention to the world's third most important food crop, after rice and wheat: potato2008.org. 甚至还建立了网站potato2008.;org,继大米,小麦以后,来帮助关注更多的世界最重要的第三大食物农作物。
- The potato is the world's number-four food crop after rice, wheat and maize, with annual production of more than 300 million tonnes in more than 100 countries, the FAO said. 联合国粮农组织称,马铃薯是仅次于大米、小麦和玉米的世界第四大粮食作物,目前全世界共有100多个国家种植马铃薯,世界年产量超过3亿吨。
- The food crops are sterile and can be completely organic. 系统内生产的食用植物都是无菌的,而且可以做到完全的有机种植。
- Good soil produces food crops for both humans and animals. 而好的土壤能为人类和动物提供食物。
- But, after a severe famine in the 1770s, German monarchs - notably Frederick the Great of Prussia - promoted the kartoffel as a staple food crop as well. 但是在十八世纪70年代发生严重饥荒后,德国的君主,即普鲁士大帝弗雷德里克也将这种块茎作为主粮予以推广。
- There are clear signs of a backlash against ethanol made from food crops. 反对用谷物生产乙醇的标题相当清楚:原料供不应求。
- Farmers grow maize, rice, manioc, yams, millet and other food crops. 农场主们种植玉米、水稻、木薯、甘薯、小米和其他的粮食作物。
- Food crops are wheat, rice, corn, soybean, potato, buckwheat and so on. 粮食作物有小麦、水稻、玉米、黄豆、洋芋、荞等。
- The main food crops to wheat, potato, broad bean mainly corn and sowing. 粮食作物主要以小麦、洋芋、蚕豆为主,兼播玉米。