- food quality and safty 食品质量与安全
- The glass transition of food is one key to control food quality and stability. 食品的玻璃化转变是影响食品品质和稳定性的关键因素。
- Assort with other department Ensure food quality and sanitation, corporate chef overcome guest complain. 严格保证菜品质量和食品卫生,协助厨师长处理客人投诉等问题。
- Food quality and safety specialty is setup largely in non-medical and pharmic colleges. 开设食品质量与安全专业的主要是非医药类院校。
- To ensure the food safety,every country carried out the policy of traceability system of food quality and safety. 稳定同位素溯源技术过去已在食品生产的某些领域得到成功应用,近年来在肉制品中的研究增多。
- Baanthai is the perfect warm weather restaurant and one of the betters Thai restaurants in town in term of food quality and atmosphere. Baanthai餐厅是夏季餐饮完美原则,它高质量的美食跟良好氛围使它成为本地最好的泰国餐厅。
- Undertaking new measures to enable the tracing of food products back to the farm, improve food quality and share critical information. 保证新措施能保证从农场追查食品产品,改善食品质量和分享重要信息。
- During the entire sequence of food handling, from the producer to the final consumer, microorganisms can affect food quality and human health. 食品处理的全过程,从生产者到最终的消费者,在此期间微生物可以影响食品的质量和人类的健康。
- The use of advanced production equipment and new technology formula adapted to the fashion flavor of the food quality and higher requirements. 采用先进的生产设备和新型工艺配方适应了时尚食品对风味品质的更高要求。
- Adhering to the people-oriented approach, the Chinese government has always attached great importance to food quality and safety. 中国政府坚持以人为本,高度重视食品安全,一直把加强食品质量安全摆在重要的位置。
- Vietnamese farmers have concentrated so hard on quantity that they may be neglecting growing concerns about food quality and hygiene among rich-country consumers. 越南的农民对于产量的过于重视,以至于他们忽略了富裕国家的消费者对于食品质量和卫生的在乎。
- Glass transition temperature(Tg) is an important parameter, which has a crucial effect on food quality and stability during food processing and storage. 食品体系的玻璃化转变温度,会对食品的加工和贮藏过程及食品的品质产生重要影响。
- Food Quality Supervision and Test. 食品质量监督检验
- The food quality and safety traceability system based on the bar code and Internet is brought out,and the designing ideas about network structure, system process, business process and information identification are described. 提出了基于条形码和互联网的食品质量安全可追踪系统的网络结构、系统流程、业务流程和信息标识的设计方案。
- Sildenafil became the first-line treatment for its efficacy and safty. 西地那非以其疗效确切、安全性高成为首选治疗。
- We are certified with HACCP, GAP, ISO9001 and food quality and safe (QS) mark.All our products follow strict food safety protocols that achieve the highest industrial-leading standard. 工厂通过HACCP认证、GAP基地认证、ISO9001质量控制管理体系认证和出口食品卫生注册,严格按照食品卫生许可条例生产并达到行业领先水平。
- Therefore, it is signality to strengthen the research on rapid determination of pesticide residues in food, in order to support the food quality and ensure the life safety of consumer. 加强对食品中农药残留快速检测新技术的研究,对保障食品的品质,保护消费者生命安全意义重大。
- The food quality and safety traceability system based on the bar code and Internet is brought out,and the designing ideas about network structure, system process, business process and info... 提出了基于条形码和互联网的食品质量安全可追踪系统的网络结构、系统流程、业务流程和信息标识的设计方案。
- I'm used to high quality and won't take second-best. 我用惯高质量的东西,差一点儿的都不行。
- I find some of the exhibit fine in quality and beautiful in design. 我发现有些展品质量优良,设计美观。