- Last year, all food safety cases except that in which oilfish was passed off as cod originated on the mainland. 近年,本港发生的食物安全事件,亦绝大多数是因内地供港食物而起。
- Therefore, we conclude that the dumpling poisoning incident in Japan is an individual contrived case instead of a food safety case resulted from pesticide residue. 因此,我们认为这次发生在日本的“饺子中毒事件”,不是一起因农药残留问题引起的食品安全事件,而是人为作案的个案。
- BEIJING "AFP" - Two more suspects in China's tainted milk scandal went on trial Tuesday, bringing to 17 the number who have faced court over the nation's worst food safety case in years. 北京"法新社""-在中国的污染奶粉丑闻里两个以上的嫌疑犯在星期二受审讯;达到17在年内在国家最糟糕的食品安全案件上(已经)面对法庭的人数.
- This paper numerated some foods safety cases, which happened in recent years in China, and analyzed reasons and hazards of these cases. 通过回顾近几年来国内发生的重大的食品安全案例,并对其原因及危害进行了分析,指出违反自然规律的生产和发展都是不切实际的。
- food safety cases 食品安全事件
- Food safety is another legitimate concern. 食品安全也是人们应该关心的。
- Who is Responsible for Food Safety? 谁对食品安全负责?
- So food safety is very important. 安全的消费是非常重要的哦!
- Food Safety Laboratory Training Mission in China. 加拿大食品安全实验室考察团在华进行培训项目考察。
- How to implement a food safety management system? 食品安全管理体系?
- Aflatoxin poses a potential threat to food safety. 黄曲霉毒素对食物安全构成潜在威胁。
- Responsible for ensuring food safety at your home? 去确保你屋企食物安全呢?
- Food safety is the focus of our society. 摘要食品安全是社会关注的焦点。
- FOOD SAFETY - On-Farm Food Safety Recognition Program. 农场田间食品安全确认计划。
- Food Safety Certification Business Development Management. 食品安全认证的项目推关和管理。
- Food Safety Laboratory Training in Canada Successfully Completed. 小农户项目食品安全实验室培训在加拿大圆满结束。
- Food safety, who can insure our foods safety? 食品安全,谁来为我们把关?
- Eurofins, Committing to Higher Level of Food Safety in China! 欧陆坊,致力于满足更高的食品安全水平!
- Twhy food safety problems are always found in our country? 我国食品卫生安全问题为何频频发生?
- All who are interested in food safety research are welcome. 欢迎从事食品安全研究的人员参加。