- Better quality and Longer shelf life! 采后快速预冷:品质更佳,货架期更久!
- SHELF LIFE NOT LESS THAN 5YEARS? 这句话意思是不是货架寿命不低于五年?
- The vacuum-packed coffee has a long shelf life. 真空包装的咖啡保质期较长。
- UPM has developed a smart packaging solution that aids consumers and the food industry to monitor and self-assess their produce's shelf life. 芬欧汇川集团制定了智能包装的解决方案,辅助消费者和食品工业,以监测和自我评估其产品的货架寿命。
- Shelf life of packaged food depends on the product and its intended application,the environmental conditions,and the packaging. 影响包装食品货架期的因素主要有产品本身及其功能、环境和包装材料。
- Stevioside join with sausage, ham sausage, meat and other food products in the wax can improve the flavor, extend shelf life. (8)肉食品。(8) meat.;用甜菊糖加入香肠、火腿肠、蜡肉等食品中,可改善风味,延长保质期。
- Studies on accelerated shelf life testing(ASLT) of Biluochun tea. 碧螺春绿茶叶品质加速试验研究。
- UPM Shelf Life therefore clearly shows that food is not fit for consumption due to loss of integrity or damage to the package. 芬欧汇川集团货架寿命因此,清楚地表明,食物是不适合的消费由于亏损完整或损坏的软件包。
- Shelf life is 18 months for all sizes, says Alcantara. 货架寿命18个月的所有大小说,阿尔坎塔拉。
- S sodium cyanate is used in preservation, extended shelf life milk. 硫氰酸钠则用于保鲜,可延长牛奶保质期。
- FEATURE: Five year shelf life for unopened containers. 特色:未经开封启用的产品,可享长达五年的贮藏寿命。
- Shelf life at ambient temperature, says Madsen, is two years. 货架期在常温下说,马德森,为两年。
- Shelf life: 12 months, in original unopened containers. 产品寿命:约12个月(产品未开封前)。
- It is perishable and has a shelf life,' Ms.Tison says. 不然剩余的茶水会过度浸泡茶叶,浸出过多鞣酸,使得下一壶茶水变苦。
- This means that your archers and horsemen have a very long shelf life. 这意味着你的弓箭手和骑手可以有很长时间的有效期。
- Overwrap protects and extends the shelf life of the chocolates within. 外包装保护和延长保质期的巧克力内。
- Monty and Xuxiang have nice flavour, but small fruit and short shelf life. 蒙迪和徐香品种的果实风味均优,但果个偏小,货架期短。
- Fallon adds, “We get extended shelf life without using preservatives. 法伦补充说, “我们得到了延长货架寿命不使用防腐剂。
- Specification: long shelf life, stable viscosity, high HDT, low resin lost. 特點:可使用時間長,適當黏度,高熱變形溫度,樹脂流失率低
- Q16:What is the shelf life of 3M's filtering facepiece respirators? 问16:3M随弃式呼吸防护口罩的存放期是多长时间?