- And I was foolish enough to believe him! 我真傻,竟相信了他!
- I was foolish enough to believe what Jeff told me. 我真蠢,竟相信杰夫和我说的话。
- No one is foolish enough to endorse it. 没有哪个人会傻得赞成它。
- Foolish enough to believe in miracles. 并可爱的相信奇迹的出现。
- Be foolish enough to believe in miracles. 幼稚一点,相信有奇迹出现。
- The salesman said the car was in good condition, and I was foolish enough to fall for it. 推销员说这辆汽车状况良好,而我那么傻竟然信以为真。
- I wasn't, however, foolish enough to have waded into a swamp alone. 但是我没有愚蠢到独自一人趟过沼泽。
- They are foolish enough to let the adolescents see that they are annoyed. 他们常常愚蠢得足以让少年看出他们在恼火。
- They say to jump is foolish enough, but to have to pay for it is madness. 他们说去跳就已经够蠢了,而还要付钱则不啻为疯狂的行为。
- Do not think I am (or we are) foolish enough to believe or be deceived by what you say! 别以为我好骗!我才不相信!你说什么都没人信!
- I was foolish enough to imagine the memory of her mother might disarm him from desiring her injury. 我居然糊涂到以为他对她母亲的记忆也许会使他消除伤害她的愿望哩。
- The salesman said the car was in good condition,and I was foolish enough to fall for it. 推销员说这辆汽车状况良好,而我那么傻竞然信以为真。
- Recently,I was foolish enough to take one of those magazine quizees on "romantic marriage". 最近,我真是够傻的从杂志上选了一组关于“浪漫婚姻”的测试题自己测试了一下。
- The bands of robbers living in the mountain would prey on any traveler foolish enough to wander into their land. 住在山里的强盗团伙袭击任何敢闯入他们地界的行人。
- Always be wise enough to know that you do not know everything, Foolish enough to believe in miracles. 时常明智地提醒自己并非知晓一切,并可爱的相信奇迹的出现。
- She would be a beacon, a refuge for the few who were foolish enough to be out and about on a day so cold. 她简直就是一盏明灯,对于那些在这么冷的天还傻到出门逛悠的人,就是一个庇护所。
- Recently, I was foolish enough to take one of those magazine quizzes on "romantic marriage". 最近,我真是够傻的从杂志上选了一组关于"浪漫婚姻"的测试题自己测试了一下。
- Evans echoes that thought: 'I'm not foolish enough to step in front of a steamroller. 他说,眼下这个势头,我不会傻到去螳臂挡车。
- "Are there people in the world foolish enough to die because leafs drop off from a vine? “世界上竟然有这么愚蠢的人,因为树叶从藤上掉落就要去死?
- Those foolish enough to venture such an assault swiftly meet your weapon as you deliver retribution for their audacity. 那些蠢到敢于冒险袭击的傻蛋很快会遇上你为惩罚他们的狂妄而挥出的武器。