- Sound travels at 1, 100 feet per second in air. 声音在空气中的传播速度为每秒钟1,100英尺。
- A volumetric unit for measuring the flow of liquids,equal to one cubic foot per second. 立秒一种测量液体流量的体积单位,等于立方英尺每秒
- A volumetric unit for measuring the flow of liquids, equal to one cubic foot per second. 立秒一种测量液体流量的体积单位,等于立方英尺每秒
- A unit of force in the foot-pound-second system of measurement,equal to the force required to accelerate a standard one-pound mass one foot per second per second(approximately0.138 newton). 磅达英尺-磅-秒制中力的单位,相当于使1磅的自由质量得到一英尺每秒加速度的力(大约等于0.;138牛顿每秒)。
- A unit of force in the foot-pound-second system of measurement, equal to the force required to accelerate a standard one-pound mass one foot per second per second(approximately0.138 newton). 磅达英尺-磅-秒制中力的单位,相当于使1磅的自由质量得到一英尺每秒加速度的力(大约等于0。138牛顿每秒)
- A bullet goes from this gun with a velocity of 3000 feet per second. 子弹以每秒三千?盏乃俣却诱獍亚狗3.;觥
- Jules Verne’s spaceship had an initial speed of 36,000 feet per second. 儒勒.;凡尔纳的太空船开始的速度为每秒36,000英尺。
- WARNING: Systems should not be operated or flushed out at flow velocities greater than 5 feet per second. 警告:在流体流速超过每秒5英尺的情况下,不能对系统进行操作或冲刷。
- In order to put a satellite into orbit,the rocket must be accelerated at the rate of 44 feet per second for ten minutes. 为把卫星发射到轨道,火箭必须以每秒44英尺的速度加速10分钟。
- The force of gravity is such that it produces an acceleration of about 32 feet per second for every second that an object falls. 重力使物体每降落一秒钟产生大约每秒32英尺的加速度。
- In order to put a satellite into orbit, the rocket must be accelerated at the rate of 44 feet per second for ten minutes. 为把卫星发射到轨道,火箭必须以每秒44英尺的速度加速10分钟。
- The chronograph will be deemed to be within tolerance as long as the daily averages vary no more than 7 meters per second ( 25 feet per second) from the first day's readings. 若与第一天的读数相比正负误差不超过每秒七点六公尺(每秒廿五英尺),则此测速器即被视为在可容许的误差范围内。
- The Monticello Dam is a dam in Napa County California United States most noted for its large circular spillway with a rate of 48400 cubic feet per second. 蒙地赛罗水坝位于美国加州绿帕县,这是美国大型循环泄洪道,每秒可泄洪48400立方英尺。
- Once a bag disappears from view, it travels down long belts at 7 feet per second as lasers try to read its destination from matchbook-size bar codes affixed at check-in. 办理登机手续时,工作人员会在行李上贴一张火柴盒大小的条形码,随后行李离开你的视线,接着以每秒7英尺的速度沿着一条长长的传输带往前行进,期间激光扫描器会读取条形码的信息,判断出要将行李送往何处。
- It began, "Condoleezza holds a watermelon just over the edge of the roof of the 300-foot Federal Building, and tosses it up with a velocity of 20 feet per second. 题目是这样的,“康多莉扎拿着一个西瓜,越过300英尺高的联邦大厦的屋顶边缘,然后以每秒20英尺的速度将其投掷出去。”
- The Monticello Dam is a dam in Napa County, California, United States most noted for its large circular spillway with a rate of 48,400 cubic feet per second. 蒙蒂塞罗水坝位于美国加利福尼亚州娜帕郡,以48400立方英尺每秒排水速度的巨大圆形泄洪道闻名。
- It travels thousands of miles per second. 它一秒钟能走几千英里。
- The speed of sound in air at ordinary temperatures is about 1,100 feet per second,which is about one mile in five seconds or about 700 miles per hour. 声音在空气中的速度在常温下约为每秒1100英尺,即大约每5秒1英里或者大约每小时700荚里。
- A unit of frequency equal to one cycle per second. 赫兹频率的单位,等于每秒一周
- The speed of sound in air at ordinary temperatures is about 1, 100 feet per second, which is about one mile in five seconds or about 700 miles per hour. 声音在空气中的速度在常温下约为每秒1100英尺,即大约每5秒1英里或者大约每小时700荚里。