- Renders a closing tag for a specified list element. 呈现指定列表元素的结束标记。
- I ask Susan for list of participants. 我向苏珊要参加者名单。
- I added a service but I don't see it in my Search for list. 我添加了一项服务,但在“搜索”列表中看不到该服务。
- Click below for list of upcoming Flying Scot Regattas. 为即将来临的飞的斯科特赛船会的表下面点按。
- for list element 循环表元素
- "Files" is missing from the Look for list in the Advanced Find dialog box. “文件”从“高级查找”对话框的“查找”列表中丢失。
- To view storage space allocation for lists, click Lists. 若要查看列表的存储空间分配,请单击“列表”。
- The eBay listing interface is great for listing one item at a time. eBay列表接口对于一次只为一个商品建立列表很好用。
- Seller assumes all responsibility for listing this item. 卖方承担所有责任,为上市这个项目。
- Therefore, the Linux kernel defines the list_head data structure, whose only fields next and prev represent the forward and back pointers of a generic doubly linked list element, respectively. 对于每个链表,必须要实现一系列主要的操作:初始化链表,插入和删除元素,遍历链表等等。
- If the PATTERN contains parentheses, additional list elements are created from each matching substring in the delimiter. 如果PATTERN里包含括号,那么每一个匹配的定界符子字符串都会作为元素加到列表中去。
- The safest manner for listing names is in straight alphabetical order by surname. 列名单最妥贴的方式是直接按姓氏的字母顺序排列。
- If the dimension size is greater than the number of listed elements, the initializers are used for the first elements. 如果维数大于列出的元素初值个数,则只初始化前面的数组元素;
- It is hardly possible to take one page for listing all the ways in which diesel engines are used . 用一页纸把柴油机的所有用途都列出来几乎是不可能的。
- Two invocation list elements are equal if they invoke the same instance method on the same target instance, or they invoke the same static method. 两个调用列表的元素在以下情况下相等:它们调用相同目标实例上的相同实例方法,或它们调用相同的静态方法。
- One is the mundane matter of creating multiple instance attributes or static list elements to hold each of the data values. 一个是一般性问题:创建多个实例属性或静态列表元素来保留每个数据值。
- His name heads the list for the candidates. 他是候选人名单上的第一名。
- A bowl of hot chicken soup is good for you. 喝一碗热鸡汤对你有好处。
- Are you willing to stand surety for your brother? 你愿意当你弟弟的保证人吗?
- Tag, which means one and only one of the listed elements can appear. 标记嵌套,这意味着列出的元素中有一个且仅有一个可以显示。