- He drinks this medical tea for medicinal purposes. 他为了治病而喝这种冲剂。
- He kept a little brandy for medicinal purposes. 他留了点白兰地作药用。
- He drinks this medicaltea for medicinal purposes. 他为了治病而喝这种冲剂。
- Many herbs are used for medicinal purposes. 许多的草药用来医疗病患。
- He claims he keeps a bottle of brandy only for medicinal purposes. 他说他存放着一瓶白兰地只是为了药用。
- Due to contamination, it cannot be used for medicinal purposes. 被污染不能药用的。
- Cannabis has been used for medicinal purposes since antiquity. 大麻自远古以来就被作为药用。
- Marihuana has been used for medicinal purposes since antiquity. 大麻自远古以来就被作为药用。
- Blueberries were also used for medicinal purposes along with the leaves and roots. 蓝莓果也可和树叶及根部一起用于医疗。
- The souse may do in 30 year above sour fish for medicinal purposes (to diarrhea, dysentery effective). 腌制在三十年以上的酸鱼可作药用(对腹泻、痢疾均有效)。
- With the consent of an official veterinarian, operators may harvest or salvage certain condemned meat products for medicinal purposes. 经官方兽医同意,经营者可以为了医药目的而获得或回收某些禁止食用的肉类产品。
- Milk as an additive to coffee became popular in the 1680's, when a French physician recommended that cafe au lait be used for medicinal purposes. 往咖啡中加牛奶在十七世纪八十年代变得流行起来,当时一个法国的内科医生推荐牛奶咖啡可以药用。
- Pyracantha is the kind of view flower view fruit's bush, has higherwatches the value and for medicinal purposes, edible, chemical value. 摘要:火棘是种观花观果的灌木,具有较高的观赏价值和药用,食用,化工价值。
- Although Californians have been allowed since 1996 to buy cannabis for medicinal purposes, only a state sales tax was later added to their purchase, not a local one too. 尽管加州人从1996年开始就可以因医疗需要购买大麻,此后只追加了一项州际的营业税,且非当地征收。
- This selects the aloe gelatin powder,After extraction separation,again further uses the for medicinal purposes activated charcoal to decolorize obtains the aloe oil. 本品选用芦荟凝胶粉,经萃取分离后,再进一步用药用活性炭脱色则得到芦荟油。
- Lonicera actually have two parts as honeysuckle and caulis lonicerae for medicinal purposes,which has the effect of clearing away heat and toxic material and is therefore in extensively clinical use. 忍冬实分金银花和忍冬藤两处药用,具有清热解毒通络的功效,在临床上被广泛应用。
- Recently, large trees are unscrupulously poached for wood and exploitation of the species for medicinal purposes is further threatening it.In many areas yew has been nearly extirpated. 近年来,除了有人砍大树猎取木材外,药用加剧了对其资源的掠夺,野生红豆杉濒临灭绝,在许多原来有大面积分布的地方现在已经不再见其踪迹。
- Used for medicinal and aromatic purposes. 用于药用和芳香的目的。
- Herbs teas for medicinal purposes 药用草药茶
- Used for ornamental, aromatic, and medicinal purposes. 用于观赏,芳香,和药用的目的。