- Yield and water utilising efficiency of forage maize were studied with two types of soil in Northwest Hebi Dryland. 在冀西北半干旱高寒区的两种不同类型的土壤中,进行饲用玉米产量和水分利用率的研究。
- Forage maize SAUMZ1 is a new material of forage maize with high yield,excellent quality,strong resistance and extensive adaptability. 玉米草SAUMZ1是一个产量高、饲用品质优良、多抗、适应性广的多年生优质饲用玉米新材料。
- The studies on synchrony of differentiation, silking and kernel bearing between apical and sub-apical ear in forage maize were conducted in the cold upland of north-west Hebei province, where the maize prolificacy is enhanced. 在有利于玉米双穗发生的冀西北高寒地区,通过对典型多育组合农大103和典型单育品种克单6双穗分化进程的观察发现,二者第1、2果穗分化的同步性明显不同。 同时发现在分化、抽丝和成穗的发育进程中,它们各自双穗发育的同步性是前后一致的。
- Summary of Forage Maize Breeding 饲草玉米育种概述
- Development and Trend on Forage Maize Breeding 饲用玉米的育种进展与趋势
- Discuss on Application of Forage Maize 试论饲用玉米应用中的几个问题
- Making a Comparison Among Varieties of Green Forage Maize 青饲玉米品种的比较研究
- Studies on Mixed Application of Trace Element Fertilizers to Fine Forage Maize 锌硼锰三种微肥饲料玉米配施效果初报
- Effects of Cultivation Measures on Hay Yield of Grain and Forage Maize 栽培措施对粮饲兼用玉米干草产量的影响
- Cows and sheep depends forage to feed. 牛和羊依靠草料喂养。
- There is much forage for the cattle. 那儿有很多喂牛的饲料。
- Maize is widely planted in the America. 玉米在美洲广泛种植。
- One group left the camp to forage for firewood. 一些人离开营地去寻找木柴。
- Effects of potassium application on nutrient absorption dynamics, biomass and quality formation of forage maize 钾素营养对饲用玉米养分吸收动态及产量品质形成的影响
- The Effect of Plastic-film Mulching on Forage Maize in the Plateau of Northern Hebei Province 冀西北高原地区饲用玉米地膜覆盖效应研究
- Planting Forage Maize for Sustainable Development in the Region of Farm-animal Husbandry 种植饲用玉米促进农牧交错区的可持续发展
- She forage about in her handbag, but she can not find her ticket. 她在她的手提包里搜寻,但她没能找到她的票子。
- Effects of Different Cultivation Measures on Crude Fiber Accumulation of Grain and Forage Maize 栽培措施对粮饲兼用型玉米粗纤维积累的影响
- Title: Study on Heredity of Main Forage Traits in Silage Maize (Zea mays L. 关键词:玉米;自交系;饲用性状;配合力;遗传
- We can grow sorghum or maize on this plot. 我们可以在这块地可以种高粱或玉米。