- There are 17 plant species at the same flowering time, and most of foraging insect species of them are the same as that of K. septentrionalis. 单性木兰同花期植物共17种,其访花昆虫种类大部分与单性木兰的访花昆虫种类相同。
- Fish were surfacing to catch insects. 鱼浮到水面上捕捉昆虫。
- The spider can catch insects by cobweb. 蜘蛛能用蜘蛛网抓住昆虫。
- The campers went foraging for wood to make a fire. 露营者去搜寻柴木点火。
- The dead tree is alive with insects. 这棵枯树上爬满了昆虫。
- Most bees and wasps are social insects. 大多数蜜蜂和黄蜂都是群居昆虫。
- Soldiers foraging near an abandoned farm. 士兵们到附近一个废弃的农场劫掠食物
- Most insect do not live in polar region. 大多数的昆虫不在极地地区生存。
- The insect bit him and drew blood from his arm. 那只昆虫叮在他的手臂上吸血。
- Some insects deposit their eggs on the ground. 有些昆虫把卵产在地上。
- He's mine of information about insects. 他在昆虫方面有着渊博的知识。
- She catch the insect by invert her cup over it. 她把杯子倒扣在昆虫上,将它逮住了。
- Many dangerous diseases are carried by insects. 许多危险的疾病是由昆虫传播的。
- She stamped on the insect and killed it. 她踩死了一只虫子。
- The neuter caste in social insects. 群居昆虫中的无性昆虫
- There are insects which mimic leaves. 有些昆虫极像叶子。
- Molluscs, insects and worms are all invertebrates. 软体动物、 昆虫、 蠕虫都是无脊椎动物。
- Some insects produce seven or eight broods a year. 有些昆虫一年产七八次卵。
- Almost all insects have feelers. 昆虫几乎都有触角。
- Bats fly at night and feed on insects. 蝙蝠在夜间飞行,以昆虫为食。