- Experts have forecast an upturn in the stock market . 专家们已预言股票市场有好转势头。
- Experts have forecast an upturn in the stock market. 专家们已预言股票市场有好转势头。
- Her luck seems to have taken an upturn. 她似乎时来运转了。
- The economy is experiencing an upturn. 经济正在好转。
- An upturn in the sales figures delighted our manager. 销售额的增长使我们的经理很高兴。
- Such events may forecast an outbreak of war. 这些事件可能预示着战争的爆发。
- Company profits have declined over the last three years but there are signs of an upturn on the horizon. 公司的利润在过去的3年中持续下降,不过,好转的兆头已露端倪。
- There are signs of an upturn in the economy. 经济有好转迹象。
- Chinese exporters also note an upturn. 中国的出口业状况也有所好转。
- The economy is experiencing an upturn . 经济正在好转。
- With no sign of an upturn in Iraq, the American people have become war-weary. 不过康涅狄格州很特殊,这是一个富裕的、有着民主党传统的州。
- The government is forecasting an economic recovery. 政府预测经济会复苏。
- S. economy, no one seems to be expecting an upturn sharp enough to force the Fed to start to tighten rates soon. 虽然有迹象显示美国经济出现了改善,但似乎没人认为这种改善已强劲到足以迫使美联储很快开始上调利率。
- If all that did not produce an upturn in growth, something very strange would be happening. 如果这一切都无法拉动经济增长的话,那一定是发生了一些非常奇怪的事。
- Global economic data remains weak, with leading indicators showing limited signs of an upturn. 全球经济数据仍然疲弱,领先指标显示了有限的回暖迹象。
- The cat was sitting on an upturned crate. 猫儿蹲坐在倒放的板条箱上。
- Business at Cessna, which had been anticipating an upturn in orders in 2009, had a steep decline in the third quarter of 2008. 塞斯纳公司原本预计在2009年会的到更多的订单,现实情况却是该公司的生意在2008年的第三季度已经出现了直线下降。
- "With the spot market getting even tighter it seems that steel makers are in a weak position," added Mr Smith, who forecast an increase of 50 per cent. 史密斯补充称:“由于现货市场的供应变得更为紧张,钢铁制造商目前似乎处于弱势。”他预测铁矿石价格将上涨50%25。
- But that's eight wins and a draw in the last ten reserve games, and Oliveira who has struggled for form all season is now showing an upturn. 但预备队在最近十场比赛中已经取得八胜二平的战绩,而此前整个赛季都找不着北的奥里维拉也显示出上升势头。
- Maintenance capex tends to be the minimum auditors allow to avoid big depreciation charges, leaving asset owners badly positioned for an upturn. 维持性资本支出一般是审计人员所准许的、避免高额折旧费的最低支出,让资产所有者很难出现转机。