- By 1960 foreign aid policy had been static for nearly a decade, in its conceptions as well as its programs. 到1960年,对外援助政策不论是在概念上还是行动计划上,都一直停滞了近十年之久。
- Part two studies the formation and establishment of the Kennedy cooper's foreign aid policy. 第二部分阐述肯尼迪政府对外援助政策的形成和确立。
- The situation of the world led Kennedy to bring forward "the peace strategy" and reorganize the foreign aid policy as soon as he became the president. 肯尼迪上台之际的国际形势促使肯尼迪提出“和平战略”,外援政策也面临相应的调整。
- The situation of the world led Kennedy to bring forward “the peace strategy” and reorganize the foreign aid policy as soon as he became the president. 肯尼迪上台之际的国际形势促使肯尼迪提出“和平战略”,外援政策也面临相应的调整。
- Therefore, taking religion as the analytic section and NGOs as the chocked point, we try to evaluate the influence that RNGOs have on the foreign aid policy. 本文即以宗教为研究层面,以非政府组织为切入点来考察宗教非政府组织对美国对外援助政策的影响效用。
- At present, China is actively adjusting foreign aid policy, historical experience has taught us that whether in the form of camp as a standard or standards to the ideological division for the allies and friends are not immutable. 当前,我国正大力调整对外援助政策。 历史经验告诉我们,无论是以阵营为标准或者是以意识形态为标准划分的盟国和朋友都不是永恒不变的。
- The regime had been propped up by foreign aid. 该政权是靠外国援助维持著的。
- If foreign aid dries up the situation will be desperate. 倘若外援枯竭,形势将极为严重。
- The Adjustment of Foreign Aid Policy during the First Term of the Eisenhower Presidency 论艾森豪威尔第一届政府对外援助政策的调整
- The foreign aid evaporated last year. 去年外援锐减。
- The principle of foreign aid is not in dispute. 外援的原则是无可非议的。
- The latest Legal Aid Policy Review was completed in 1999. 最近一次法律援助政策检讨于年内完成。
- The country depends heavily on foreign aid. 该国主要依赖外援。
- Kennedy began with making the new foreign aid act. 但新的外援机构存在一些问题,肯尼迪着手对它进行了一些调整。
- The country is dependent on foreign aid. 这个国家靠外援生存。
- The argument over foreign aid goes on and on. 关于外援的争论无休无止。
- Foreign Aid: Control, Corrupt, Contain? 外援:控制、腐败、遏制?
- The regime was propped up almost by foreign aid. 那个政权几乎全靠外援支持.
- But this season's foreign aid open policy, this dialed the human to enliven. 而这个赛季的外援开放政策,这拨人又活跃了起来。
- We hope for foreign aid hut cannot be dependent on it. 我们希望有外援,但是我们不能依赖它。