- The foreign spouse must also submit the identification of marriage and the foreign children must also submit the identification of family relation. 外籍配偶须提供婚姻证明,外籍子女须提供出生证明或者亲属关系证明。
- A high proportion, Ms Spitz and other lawyers reckon, of the once-rich couples now breaking up include at least one foreign spouse. 斯琵茨女士和其他律师估计,很多曾经富有的夫妇现在关系破裂,其中至少一方是外国配偶的占很大比例。
- The learning motivation of the foreign spouses is different in terms of immigrated years, residing area, and grade. 三、外籍配偶学员学习动机会因来台时间、居住地区、学习年级等背景变项之不同而有所差异。
- What do you think is the greatest difficulty for foreign spouses in Taiwan when dealing with cultural shock? 你认为台湾的外籍配偶在面对文化冲击方面会遇到最大的问题为何?
- What do you think is the greatest impact of foreign spouses on ethnicity in Taiwan?? 你认为外籍配偶对台湾的种族最大的影响为何?
- Critics note the constitution bans Burmese nationals with foreign spouses or children to hold political posts. 批评人士还指出,宪法禁止有外国国籍配偶或子女的缅甸公民出任政治职务。
- What do you think is the greatest difficulty for foreign spouses in Taiwan when looking for a job? 你认为台湾的外籍配偶在找寻工作时会遇到最大的问题为何?
- Foreign nationals were asked to leave the country. 外国侨民被要求离开该国。
- But while condemning women for going abroad, Kuryanovich also said he did not want people bringing foreign spouses to Russia either. 在谴责女性出国的同时,库尔亚诺维奇还说,他也不要人们把外国配偶带到俄国。
- Daily practice is the trick in learning a foreign language. 每天练习是学会一门外语的诀窍。
- She has a foreign accent that I can't quite place. 她有外国口音,但我听不出是哪儿的口音。
- The country was bled white by her foreign rulers. 这个国家在异族的统治下民穷财尽。
- May be a little austere for foreign taste. 可能对外国口味而言过于朴素了些。
- Do you accept foreign exchange certificate? 你们接受外汇券兑换券吗?
- I believe you take in foreign students. 我想你们是收外国学生寄宿的。
- The police had captured a foreign spy. 警方抓获了一名外国间谍。
- I don't think he takes kindly to foreign tourists. 我认为他不喜欢外国游客。
- His accent betrayed the fact that he was foreign. 他的口音显露出他是外国人。
- I am on good terms with this foreign friend. 我与这外宾的关系很好。
- It's not easy to master a foreign language. 掌握一门外语并不容易。