- The foreman took on ten more men as bricklayers. 工头又雇佣了十多个人作泥瓦匠。
- The foreman is always swearing at the workers. 那工头总是对工人骂骂咧咧。
- He give the foreman a carton of cigarette as a sop. 他给工头一条香烟以表心意。
- He was deemed as guilty by the foreman. 陪审长认为他有罪。
- The foreman is supervising their work. 领班正在检查他们的工作。
- His broken leg was encased in plaster. 他折的腿打上了石膏。
- The plaster had started to come away from the wall. 灰泥已经开始从墙上脱落。
- The foreman violently laced into Jack. 工头狠狠地抽打杰克。
- The foreman swore at one of the workers. 工头大骂一个工人。
- The foreman ganged the men together. 工头把工人集合在一起。
- The foreman told everyone to take five. 工头叫大家歇一歇。
- Put a plaster on the sore once a day. 把这膏药每日一次敷贴患处。
- They tried to plaster over the differences. 他们试图掩盖分歧。
- foreman plasterer 抹灰工工长
- Bits of plaster rained down on our heads from the ceiling. 石灰屑像雨点似地从天花板上落到我们的头上。
- The doctor had to hold his broken arm with a plaster cast. 医生不得不用石膏绷带来固定他断了的胳膊。
- Fresh plaster will fix in a few hours. 新抹的泥灰在几个小时内能干
- The foreman said he wanted a general dog's body to help out on the site. 领班说,他需要一个勤杂工帮助干工地上的活。
- The foreman stated that the jury found the defendant not guilty. 陪审团主席宣布说陪审团认定被告无罪。
- The plaster will have to dry out before you can paint the room. 待房间的灰泥乾後才可粉刷。