- The Development Of Forest Eco tourism In Our Country 我国森林生态旅游发展刍议
- Some Opinions about Agricultural Eco Tourism. 关于农业生态旅游的几点看法
- The National Forest Park of Nanling Ridge in Shaoguan city, richly endowed by nature, is an ideal park for eco tourism, and is also one of the National Nature Preservation Zone in our city. 韶关市南岭国家森林公园 ,是我市发展生态旅游得天独厚的公园 ,又是我市国家级的自然保护区之一。
- A motion moved by Hon WONG Yung-kan on developing eco tourism was passed. 黄容根议员就发展生态旅游动议的议案获得通过。
- Eco tourism should be the major direction of development in the area and the development must be in a moderate degree. 对于区内旅游资源的开发则应以生态旅游为主,但是必须适度,即合理的开发度和保护度相结合;
- Forest ectomycorrhizal fungi(ECM fungi) play an important role in forest eco system.The research on diversity of ECM fungi can indicate the community structure of ECM fungi. 树木外生菌根真菌在森林生态系统中发挥着重要的作用,其多样性研究能反映外生菌根真菌的种群结构。
- Nowadays, Malaysian starting to transfer their concentration on Eco tourism in preference to city tours as Malaysia posses lots of natural resources which need to be opened up. 目前马来西亚人开始把城市旅游转向生态旅游,尤其是本国拥有这么丰富的天然资源,是很需要我们去把它推广出去的。
- Based on the analysis of the background of eco tourism development,eco tourism is thought to be an appropriate way for the sustainable utilization of the tourism landscape resources in this paper. 分析了生态旅游产生的背景,认为生态旅游是旅游景观资源可持续利用的一条途径。
- forest eco -efficiency compensation 生态效益补偿
- forest eco - tourism 森林生态旅游
- put forward the thought about forest eco?compensation additional tax policy. ? 提出优先征收森林生态补偿附加税的资金政策构想。
- Relations between Eco Tourism Exploitation and Environment Protection 生态旅游与生态环境保护的关系
- The forest will act as a defense against desert dust. 森林能起防御沙漠灰沙的作用。
- It is said that there are wolves in this forest. 据说这片森林里有狼。
- The island has been ruined by tourism. 该岛毁在旅游业上了。
- A large part of Africa is made up of thick forest. 非洲的大部分地区都是密林。
- There is a leafy forest in our hometown. 在我们的家乡有一片树叶茂密的森林。
- There is a pine forest near our house. 我们家附近有片松树林。
- Tourism is at its peak in August. 旅游业在八月份达到高峰。