- forest resource in plain area 平原林业
- The forest resources in Shiping county were inventoried in 2006. 2006年对云南省石屏县的森林资源状况进行了调查。
- Investigations and studies on the exploitation and utilization of groundwater in plain area will be launched. 开展平原地区各类地下水资源开发利用调查研究。
- Abstract: Tianjin area has abundant mesothermal-epithermal geothermal resources in its vast plain area south of Baodi fault. 中文摘要: 天津境内在宝坻断裂以南的广大平原区, 蕴藏着丰富的中低温地热资源。
- To Adjust the Structure of Forest Industry Is the Key to Protect Nat-ural Forest Resource in Our Province. 调整森工产业结构是保护我省天然林资源的关键
- Combining digital photogrammetry with traditional planimetric method, the working process is described of using digital planimetric photogrammetry to maintain topographic maps in plain area. 通过结合数字摄影测量与传统综合法,从生产实践的角度选择平坦地区地形图的修测方法,对平坦地区的修测方法数字综合法的作业流程进行详细地阐述。
- A policeman in plain clothes shadowed the criminal all day. 有个便衣警察整天秘密监视那个罪犯。
- She told us in plain English exactly how bad the situation was. 她直截了当地告诉了我们形势是多么的严峻。
- Discussion of Low Base Expressway In Plain Area 平原区高速公路低路基的应用
- According to the situations of forest resources in Hebei Forestry Bureall,the papr presents some measures to ensure the wood procured normally. 鹤北林业局由于多年的大量采伐,带来了伐区生产的艰难性和复杂性,针对这种情况,为了确保伐区木材生产的安全,本文作者提出了具体的措施。
- There are unique and rich forest resources in Shangri-La.This determines that forest zoology traveling is the only trend in its traveling development. 香格里拉拥有得天独厚的丰富森林资源,决定了森林生态旅游是其旅游发展的必然趋势。
- Studies is made on the front damming technologies for NPS pollution control of river network in plain areas, so as to remove nitrogen and phosphorus of runoff. 本研究提出了平原河网地区面源污染前置库技术,以去除地表径流中的氮、磷污染物质,提出其系统结构,以及关键技术,并开展了示范工程规模上的研究。
- So many questions like how we protect and administrate the extant forest resources and get information changes of forest resources in time await to be solved. 如何保护和管理好现存森林资源、如何及时得到森林资源变化的信息,很多问题亟待解决。
- You should speak to the little child in plain English. 你应该用简单的英语与小孩交谈。
- Compared with the previous investigation results of the forest resources in the whole country,both the forest area and storage have kept increasing and the growth amount of the forests is higher than the consumption amount. 与前一次全国森林资源清查结果相比,森林面积、蓄积量继续保持双增长,林木的生长量大于消耗量。
- Researches on landscape patterns of forest resources in Sanming were carried out by using the index of landscape patterns with the support of GIS technology. 摘要运用景观格局指数,依靠GIS技术支撑,对三明市森林资源景观格局进行研究。
- This paper has discussed the application of the remote sensing techniques to the investigation of the forest resources in West Tianshan Mountain on the basis of CBERS-2 data. 探讨了利用CBERS-2数据监测新疆天山西部森林资源的遥感技术方法。
- Don't use all that technical lingo try and explain in plain English. 别尽用那种专门术语,用普通的词语解释吧。
- Compared with the previous investigation results of the forest resources in the whole country, both the forest area and storage have kept increasing and the growth amount of the forests is higher than the consumption amount. 与前一次全国森林资源清查结果相比,森林面积、蓄积量继续保持双增长,林木的生长量大于消耗量。
- Export Database to CSV format in plain text format. 出口数据库到在普通文本格式的CSV格式。