- Studies on Forest Resources Prediction Based on ANN 基于人工神经网络的森林资源预测模型研究
- forest resources prediction 森林资源预测
- To encourage full utilization of forest resources. 鼓励充分利用森林资源
- Protection area of forest resources. 保护辖区森林资源等。
- Warning affair classification of regional forest resources. 区域森林资源警素的分类研究。
- Study of regional forest resources early-warning mechanism. 区域森林资源预警机制的研究。
- Early-warning indicators of regional forest resources. 区域森林资源预警指标的研究。
- Value theory for measuring value of forest resources. 森林资源货币计量中的价值论基础。
- A quantitative analysis of ecotourism impacts on forest resources. 生态旅游对森林资源影响的计量分析研究
- Note: Data of forest resources was taken from surveys in 2000. 注:林木资源数据为2000年调查数。
- Use recyclale paper is also a way to protect forest resources. 使用再生纸也是保护森林资源的一个途径.
- The forest resources in Shiping county were inventoried in 2006. 2006年对云南省石屏县的森林资源状况进行了调查。
- As exemplified by resources prediction of gold and polymetals in Mian Lue Nin region, Shanxi province in China, it illustrates how to apply geological map information for... 文中以陕西勉略宁地区金及多金属的资源预测为实例,说明如何利用地质图信息进行空间思维与数字思维,从而实现区域资源潜力的快速评价,最后给出该区域资源潜力的分布图。
- The river survey is the first step in opening up the area's forest resources. 河流的勘察工作是开发这个地区森林资源的第一步。
- Warning degree classification of regional forest resources early-warning. 区域森林资源预警的警度划分。
- The comprehensive information system for mineral resources prediction is a quantitive prediction aptitude GIS of large scale mineral resources targets,which is suitable for the crisis mines. 综合信息矿产预测系统是一个可用于大比例尺矿产靶区定量预测的智能化地理信息系统,因而应用在危机矿山上更有实效。
- Warning sign identification of regional forest resources early-warning. 区域森林资源预警的警兆识别。
- The calculating methods of geochemical anomaly thresholds are very important in mineral exploration and resource prediction. 化探异常下限计算方法在矿产勘查和资源预测中非常重要。
- Indicators'early-warning of regional forest resources sustainable development. 区域森林资源可持续发展的指标预警。
- Philosophical base of regional forest resources early-warning system. 区域森林资源预警系统的哲学基础。