- modern forest seedling cultivation 现代林业育苗理念
- forest seedling cultivation 林业育苗
- And a vegetable and melon seed and seedling cultivation base. 蔬瓜种子种苗基地。
- Experiment on Seedling Cultivation of Diospyros kaki cv. 与相似的文献。
- A Preliminary Study on the Seedling Cultivation of Jatropha curas L. 麻疯树育苗技术初探。
- Seedling Cultivation Techniques of Grafting by Cover Bag of Sophora japonica var. Penduula Loud. 龙爪槐套袋嫁接育苗技术。
- A Preliminary Study on the Seedling Cultivation of Styrax suberifolius Hook.et Arn. 红皮树一年生播种苗生长规律初报
- Experiment of introduction,seedling cultivation and forestation began in Zhanggutai,Liaoning Province in 1994. 辽宁省章古台从1994年开始引种铅笔柏,进行育苗与造林试验。
- In the course of seedling cultivation,the microscopic alga,microecological agent and bacterin were applied to improve the environment and acquired higher survival rate. 介绍了在大菱鲆苗种培育过程中,添加微藻、有益复合菌、弧菌疫苗,在稳定的水环境中培育健康苗种,取得较高的成活率。
- P. yezoensis cultivation with P. haitanensis in turn can suit for production and was a important manner of seedling cultivation of Porphyra in Zhejiang. 条斑紫菜与坛紫菜可以轮栽,既能提高单位面积的产量、产值,又可节省栽培设施的投资,效益更为明显,是浙江海区紫菜栽培的一个发展重要方向。
- Based on growth habit, experiment on seedling cultivation of Carya cathayensis in plastic house resulted that this kind of cultivation had advantages of high quality, high survival rate, low investment. 根据山核桃生长习性,应用塑料簿膜覆盖技术进行山核桃小拱棚育苗试验,结果表明:山核桃小拱棚育苗具有苗木质量好、出圃率高、投资少、见效快的特点,是山核桃育苗的一项适用技术。
- Influence of bark peeling on seed bearing and quanlity of female Eucommia ulmoides plants were preliminarily studied by observation on the spot, seed analysis and seedling cultivation. 本文采取产地调查和种子测定、育苗对比试验等方法,对杜仲主干剥皮后雌株结实及种子质量进行了初步研究。
- It can be used as ornament, wood and medicine.The ecological characteristics of Maire Yew were discussed and its seed collection, seedling cultivation and seedling management were given in this paper. 探讨了南方红豆杉的生态生物学特性,总结了采种、育苗及苗期管理等育苗技术。
- Investigation Report on Construction of Forest Seedling in Xining 西宁市林木种苗建设调查报告
- Study on the Technique of Histological Cultivation and its Seedlings Cultivation of Red Weigela Florida A. DC. 红王子锦带组培育苗技术研究。
- The forest will act as a defense against desert dust. 森林能起防御沙漠灰沙的作用。
- Stud on Seedling Cultivation with Acacia Tree Seed 金合欢种子育苗技术研究
- The seedling have shrivel up a bit in the hot sun. 在炎热的太阳光下,幼苗已有一点乾枯。
- Experiment of larch seedling cultivation in hut 落叶松小棚育苗试验初探
- It is said that there are wolves in this forest. 据说这片森林里有狼。