- Forest soil seed bank and natural regeneration. 森林土壤种子库与天然更新。
- Forest soil under growing trees generally does not erode. 正在生长的树木下面的森林土壤一般不会被冲刷。
- Dynamics of denitrification potential in a Danish forest soil. 丹麦森林土壤反硝化作用的动力学分析
- Leaf N,P and K were higher of blueberry cultured on dark brown forest soil and meadow bog gleyed soil. N、P和K 含量在暗棕色森林土和草甸沼泽地土壤上较高;
- Dark brown forest soil was treated with radioactive aqueous solution of ~(75)SeO_2 at rate of 0.131 ppm and 1.631 ppm. 用~(75)SeO_2水溶液分别按0.;131ppm和1
- After soil acidification, the pH of brown forest soil decreased, numerous Al and Mn ions were leached. 褐色森林土酸化后 ;pH值下降 ;同时淋溶出大量Al离子和Mn离子 .
- Refuse to be handled like a forest soil fertile, in fact I agree soft moist earthworm manure. 被处理过的垃圾像肥沃的森林黑土,实际上那是松软潮湿的蚓粪。
- Knoepp J D,Swank W T.Using soil temperature and moisture to predict forest soil nitrogen minerlization[J].Biol.Fert.Soils,2002,36:177-182. 巨晓棠李生秀.;土壤氮素矿化的温度水分效应[J]
- KOUSUKE W.Dynamics of acid deposition in a forest soil and influence on Sugi growth[J].Progress in Soil Science,1991,19(3):41-44. [19]胁孝介[日].;酸性降落物在土壤中的动态及对杉林影响的预测[J]
- The forest soil and meadow soil is the most representative and wiliest distribute among them.The grass soil and meadow soil grow furth... 河谷盆地草原、草甸土壤发育充分,主要有沼泽土、草甸土、灰钙土、黑钙土、栗钙土等类型,其中灰钙土、栗钙土发育典型、分布广泛。
- This study afforded evidence supporting that plant per se, besides forest soil, was an important source of atmospheric N2O in a forest ecosystem. 本文为证明在森林生态系统中,除土壤外,植物自身在自然状态下也是一个重要的N2O排放源提供了证据。
- By treating new forest soil with extracts from ginseng rhizosphere soil, allelopathy of the ginseng soil and its effect on seed development were studied. 摘要试验以人参根际土壤提取物处理新森林土,研究了根际化感作用及其对种子萌发的影响。
- Dry weight of leaf from sandy soil was highest. [Conclusion]The germination rate ofA. fruticosawas highest in sandy soil and its growth in forest soil was biggest. 叶的干重以沙地的最高。[结论]紫穗槐在沙土中的发芽率最高,在森林土中的生长量最大。
- Dry weight of leaf from sandy soil was highest. [Conclusion] The germination rate of A. fruticosa was highest in sandy soil and its growth in forest soil was biggest. 叶的干重以沙地的最高。[结论]紫穗槐在沙土中的发芽率最高,在森林土中的生长量最大。
- Rodeghiero M,Cescatti A.Main determinants of forest soil respiration along an elevation temperature gradient in the Italian Alps[J].Glob Change Biol,2005,11:1024. 周存宇;周国逸;王迎红;等.;鼎湖山针阔叶混交林土壤呼吸的研究[J]
- Characterization and Genesis of Loamy Spodosols in Subalpine Forest Soils of Central Taiwan. 土壤及地下水污染调查整治技术研讨会论文集。
- Chen. 2002.Characterization and Genesis of Loamy Spodosols in Subalpine Forest Soils of Central Taiwan. 添加改良剂对污染土壤中土壤溶液镉浓度及其生物有效性镉浓度之影响。
- The argo-purlieu ecotone in temperate zone changes frommountainous to plain region, from temperate mixed coniferous and broad-leaf forest totemperate forest Steppe, from dark brown forest soil to black soil, from forest landscape toagriculture landscape. 温带农林交错带是山地向平原、温带针阔混交林向温带森林草原、暗棕壤向黑土、以森林景观为主向以农业景观为主的过渡带。
- The forest will act as a defense against desert dust. 森林能起防御沙漠灰沙的作用。
- Some plants push their roots deep into the soil. 一些植物的根深深长入土中。