- The competent forestry authorities shall be responsible for stipulating the quarantine range of forest tree seedlings, delimit the epidemic area and the protection area and conduct quarantine of forest tree seedlings. 林业主管部门负责规定林木种苗的检疫对象,划定疫区和保护区,对林木种苗进行检疫。
- The competent forestry authorities shall be responsible for stipulating the quarantine range of forest tree seedlings,delimit the epidemic area and the protection area and conduct quarantine of forest tree seedlings. 林业主管部门负责规定林木种苗的检疫对象,划定疫区和保护区,对林木种苗进行检疫。
- forest tree seedling 林木种苗
- On Developing Orientation of Forest Tree Seedlings in Taiyuan City 浅议太原市林木种苗发展方向
- North American forest tree with light green leaves and edible nuts. 北美的一种森林乔木,淡绿色叶,坚果可食。
- Owners and operators of timber tracts, forest tree nurseries, sawmills. 林地,林木苗圃及锯木厂的所有者和经营商。
- Upon this time, at the Milidaji Sea (the first sea mankind saw according to legends), a tree seedling appeared with leaves thin as hair. 这时,米利达吉海(传说是人类最早见到的海--笔者)长出一株叶细如发的树苗
- Torreya tree seedling and tree-hung stand tall, pagoda-shaped crown was, female Torreya tree trunks grafted low, well-developed collateral, or crown-shaped head Cheng Yuan-Pisan. 实生榧树和雄树高耸挺立,树冠呈宝塔形,嫁接雌榧树干低矮,侧枝发达,树冠呈圆头形或披散形。
- Only a few forest tree species can develop viable seed from unpollinated ovules. 只有少数林木可以从未授粉的胚珠发育成有活力的种子。
- Common forest tree of the eastern United States and Canada,used especially for pulpwood. 美国东部和加拿大一种常见的森林树种,纸浆用树种。
- The prospects of development in tree genomics are discussed, which may be implicative for accelerating forest tree genomics studies in China. 另外,探讨了林木基因组学研究的发展趋势,以期为我国林木基因组学研究提供有益的参考。
- North American silkworm moth; larvae feed on the leaves of forest trees. 北美洲的蚕蛾;幼虫吃森林的树叶。
- Many forest tree species have multiple archegonia which, after fertilization produce a number of proembryos. 许多林木树种都有颈卵器,受精以后便产生许多原胚。
- Nesting in coniferous forest, often greenwood, miscellaneous wood forest types of forest tree thorns or short. 营巢在针叶林、常绿林、杂木林等各种类型森林的荆棘或矮树上。
- Critical temperatures are only now being determined for forest trees. 临界温度现已在林木方面有所判定。
- The Study on Architecture of Main Tropical Tree Seedlings in Hainan. 海南主要热带树木苗期构筑型研究。
- Paulownia produces our country formerly, it is important commercial forest tree is planted one of. 泡桐原产我国,是重要的用材林树种之一。
- Tree seedlings with ectomycorrhizae or excised ectomycorrhizae have also been used as an inoculum source for new seedling crops. 具有外生菌根的苗木,或剪下的外生菌根,也曾被用作新苗木的接種源。
- Aye-ayes spend their lives in rain forest trees and avoid coming down to earth. 狐猴一辈子都生活在雨林的树上,从来不下到地上来。
- Study on the contents of secondary metabolites in the bark of high forest tree model and leaf-oriented tree model of Eucommia ulmoides Oliv. 杜仲乔林与叶林树皮中次生代谢物含量的比较。