- forestland evapotranspiration 林地蒸散
- Assessment of Evapotranspiration on Zoysia spp. 结缕草属植物蒸散量评价。
- Nitrogen Controls on Climate Model Evapotranspiration. 氮对气候模式中蒸腾的控制。
- Land use and prospect of sewage sludge in forestland andgreen areas. 我国森林与园林绿地污泥的利用及其展望。
- Title: Land use and prospect of sewage sludge in forestland andgreen areas. 关键词:污泥,土地利用,森林,园林,堆肥化
- The forestland would also decrease, but the grassland would change less. 综合土地利用动态度也呈上升趋势;
- Title: Evapotranspiration of winter wheat field in North China Plain. 关键词:农田墒情;农田蒸散;冠层温度;涡度相关技术
- Evapotranspiration is the sum of soil evaporation and vegetation transpiration. 蒸散是土壤蒸发和植物蒸腾的总称。
- Evapotranspiration may deplete the soil moisture and rob supplies of ground water. 蒸发蒸腾作用能消耗土壤水分,减少地下水的水量供应。
- Private individuals and companies own 45% of California?s productive forestland. 在加州, 私人及私营公司拥有的生产性林地占45%25 。
- The rate of converting arable land into forestland is relatively lower compared with grassland. 还林的比例相对还草较低,目前的还林结构主要是未成林造林地。
- The authors also validated the model using the data of fixed sample forestland of 1998. 并利用青海省5个地区的6个县1998年固定样地的林地资源实际调查资料,对该模型进行验证。
- The main purpose of this study was investigated the reasonable zoning planning of national forestland. 本研究主要目的,在探讨国有林地合理分区规划。
- For any given soil suction, farmland soil had the highest water content, while forestland soil had the lowest one. 相同吸力条件下,土壤水分以农田最大、林地最小,而饱和导水率则相反;
- Other things being equal, the evapotranspiration rate decreases with increasing humidity. 当其它条件相同时,蒸散率随湿度增大而减小。
- Tenancy: Forestland owner transfers land tenure to APP, then obtains reward by rent or part behalf of stumpage harvest. 租赁林地方把林地使用权转让给APP,以租金或立木分成方式的方式取得林地报酬。
- Evapotranspiration is the total evaporation from moist soil and from vegetated surfaces plus transpiration. 湿润土壤及植物表面的总蒸发量加上蒸腾量称为蒸散量。
- The influence of clear cutting Chinese fir plantation on the characteristics of runoff water chemistry of forestland. 与相似的文献。
- Aerial photography can provide valuable information on precipitation, evapotranspiration, interception, and runoff. 航空摄影可提供有关降水量、蒸发蒸腾量、入渗和径流量的有价值的资料。
- Finally a perspective of the future forestland change is presented based on the principles of economics. 本文用美国、新西兰以及中国的海南岛为例来验证这一原理,从经济学的角度提出对未来森林生态系统的展望。