- A number of specific standards must be met by companies seeking SFI certification for forestry management. 一些具体的标准,必须符合公司寻求喷射系统认证的林业管理。
- Herefrom, this pater puts forward the system of evaluation indicators of environment function for different types of forestry management. 在此基础上,提出不同林业经营类型的环境功能评价指标体系。
- BFU runs training programs for forestry officials since 2005.They are “Seminar for Officials on Forestry Management” in 2005 and 2007. 北京林业大学受中国国家林业局、商务部等部门委托,自2005年开始为外国林业管理官员举办短期培训班。
- Therefore, this research has founded the forestry management information system of shimian county(SM-FMIS), based on investigatation on the spot and collecting materials. 应用研究表明,系统能够满足日常工作需要,改变了林业传统工作方式,提高了工作的效率。
- Forest ecosystems think that forestry development must follow the law of ecosystems and that forestry management can not exceed the threshold of sell-regulation capacity. 摘要林业生态系统认为林业发展必须遵循生态系统的演化规律,林业经营不能超出林业自身调节能力的阈值。
- A simple systemic thinning technology adequate for the mixed forest of planted Pinus koraiensis and broadleaf trees in Liaodong region were carried, conducting the forestry management and production. 通过本项研究,制定出的一套适合该地区红松阔叶混交林较为直观、简便的抚育间伐技术,以指导林业生产。
- Long-term since, forestry management system executes syncretic of politics look forward to, possessory, operator mixes volume of governmental function section controller at a suit. 长期以来,林业治理体制实行政企合一,政府职能部门集所有者、经营者和治理者于一身。
- He expected nothing less from the forestry managers toward the largely leaderless and formless meeting he calls Open Space Technology. 他期待林务局的主管们走进无领袖且无固定形式的会议,他称之为开放空间科技。
- Study on the Forestry Management Thought 浅议林业经营思想
- nature - approximating forestry management 近自然林业经营
- forestry management and protection 森林管护
- Forestry appertains to geography. 森林学和地理学有关。
- BOLFOR Bolivia Sustainable Forestry Management Project 玻利维亚森林可持续经营项
- Theory and pattern on nearing nature forestry management of Europe 欧洲近自然的森林经营理论与模式
- Factors Blocking Farmers'Participation in Forestry Management 影响农民参与森林经营的因素
- Review Report of Italy Truffle Production and Forestry Management 意大利块菌生产及林业经营管理考察报告
- Forestry Management and Protection Monitoring System 林业管护经营监控系统
- Very little forestry is left unexplored nowadays. 如今尚未开采的森林是少之又少了。
- The covering of forestry in our town is 60 percent. 我们镇的森林覆盖率是百分之六十。