- Is the former Vice President gore teaching here? 美国前副总统戈尔是不是在这儿教书?
- Former Vice President of New Oriental School! 以及、以及、以及新东方前副校长徐小平!
- Former Vice President Al Gore was the guest speaker. 前副总统阿尔.;戈尔也应邀发言。
- Former Vice President Al Gore has arrived in Oslo,Norway. 美国前副总统阿尔戈尔抵达挪威奥斯陆。
- They were former Vice President Hubert Humphrey and Senator Edward Kennedy. 他们是前副总统休伯特?汉弗莱和参议员爱德华?肯尼迪。
- Former Vice President Walter Mondale lost to Republican Norm Coleman in Minnesota. 前副总统沃尔特?蒙代尔输给了来自明尼苏达州的共和党人诺姆?科尔曼。
- Famous Professor and educator, one of the creators of Beijing Film Academy, former Vice President and Dean. 著名摄影教育家,北京电影学院知名教授,北京电影学院摄影学院主要创始人之一,该院原副院长兼教务主任。
- FTF) Former Vice President Al Gore has called on Americans to elimanate their dependence on oil within 10 years. 诺贝尔和平奖的获得者戈尔近日又有新举措,他呼吁美国切断对石油的依赖,在十年内彻底转向可再生能源...
- Beijing has discreetly sent out a feeler to former Vice President Annette Lu, inviting her to visit China. 北京小心翼翼地向台湾前副总统吕秀莲发出暗示,邀请她访问大陆。
- They were working for Current TV, a media company chaired by Mister Clinton's former vice president, Al Gore. 二人供职于潮流电视台,这是一家由克林顿先生的前副总统戈尔主办的媒体公司。
- In a recent interview with Fox News, former Vice President Dick Cheney revealed that President George W. 最近在接受福克斯新闻台,前美国副总统切尼透露,总统乔治W。
- Former Vice President Walter Mondale lost to Republican Norm Coleman in Minnesota . 前副总统沃尔特?蒙代尔输给了来自明尼苏达州的共和党人诺姆?科尔曼。
- His candidacy received a boost when former Vice President Albert Gore on December 8 publicly urged Democrats to rally behind Dean. 当前副总统戈尔于12月8日公开敦促民主党人团结在迪恩的旗帜下,他的候选资格得到了支持。
- The 56-year old Branson, who was knighted by Queen Elizabeth in 1999, said he was inspired by former vice president Al Gore to make the commitment. 56岁的布兰森在1999年时,受伊丽莎白女王册封为爵士,他表示是受了前美国副总统高尔的启发,而做了这项承诺。
- Among them,former Vice President Al Gore,he and UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change share the Nobel Peace Prize. 戈尔和联合国政府间气候变化工作组一起分享了诺贝尔和平奖。
- Dr Arno Allan Penzias, Senior Technical Advisor of Spreadtrum, Nobel Laureate in Physics, former Vice President and Chief Scientist of Bell Laboratories. 展讯通信高级技术顾问、诺贝尔物理学奖获得者、贝尔实验室前副总裁兼首席科学家阿诺·彭齐亚斯博士等。
- Senior Democrats in the Untied States say the former Vice President Dick Cheney may have broken the law if he ordered the CIA to conceal a counter-terrorism program from Congress. 参考翻译:美国民主党高层表示,如果前副总统切尼曾命令CIA向国会隐瞒反恐计划,他已经触犯了法律。
- The favorite, Dr Howard Dean, is the former governor (1991-2003) of the neighboring state of Vermont. His candidacy received a boost when former Vice President Albert Gore on December 8 publicly urged Democrats to rally behind Dean. 最热门的一位候选人霍华德·迪恩医生是相邻的佛蒙特州前州长(1991-2003),当前副总统戈尔于12月8日公开敦促民主党人团结在迪恩的旗帜下,他的候选资格得到了支持。
- From 1989 up to now, he has been working at China Communications &Transportation Association (CCTA) as its former vice president and general-secretary and present executive president. 1989年至今在中国交通运输协会工作,历任副会长兼秘书长、常务副会长。
- FTF) Harry Smith speaks with former Vice President Al Gore about the problems faced by the environment and American democracy as outlined in his new book, "The Assault On Reason." (3'41"). 离开政坛后,前副总统戈尔从事起了他所钟爱的环保事业,新书的出版再次唤醒了人们对环保事业的重视,对于布什政府的环保政策,这位政治名流持何态度?