- The path must begin with a forward slash. 该路径必须以正斜杠开头。
- A forward slash is not valid in this field. 不能在该域中使用正斜杠。
- Press forward slash ("/") to lock layer transparency. 按下/可锁定当前图层的不透明度。
- Remember, the forward slash is not a metacharacter, so it does not need to be backslashed when it's not the delimiter. 斜干/不是特殊的符号;他没必要在前面加反斜干(\);当他不是定界符的时候.
- Every FHS starts with the root directory, also known by its symbol, the single forward slash (/). 每FHS开始用根目录;也被它的符号;单一正斜线知道.
- Attribute starts with a forward slash, however, it is interpreted as an absolute URL within the local JSP container. 属性的值以斜杠开始,那么它就被解释成本地JSP容器内的绝对URL。
- In Report Path, specify a forward slash, followed by the folder path, and the report name. 在“报表路径”中,指定一个正斜杠后接文件夹路径和报表名。
- Remember, the forward slash is not a metacharacter, so it doesn't need to be backslashed when it's not the delimiter. 斜干/是特殊的符号;他没必要在前面加反斜干()当他不是定界符的时候.
- Use forward slashes "/" to specify the directory. 规定了俄上传路径,你使用反斜线符号。
- A URL always uses forward slashes(//). 一个网址开头通常有“//”的标记;
- The class name is not valid. Class names cannot contain the following characters: open bracket ([), close bracket (]), quotation mark ("), single quote ('), back slash (\\), forward slash (/). 类名称无效。类名称不能包含下列字符:左方括号 ([)、右方括号 (])、引号 (")、单引号 (')、反斜杠 (\\\)、正斜杠 (/)。
- The field name is not valid. Field names must not contain any of the following characters: open bracket ([), close bracket (]), quotation mark ("), single quote ('), back slash (\\), forward slash (/). 字段名称无效。字段名称不能包含下列字符:左方括号 ([)、右方括号 (])、引号 (")、单引号 (')、反斜杠 (\\\)、正斜杠 (/)。
- The instance name is not valid. Instance names cannot contain the following characters: open bracket ([), close bracket (]), quotation mark ("), single quote ('), back slash (\\), forward slash (/). 实例名无效。实例名不能包含下列字符:左方括号 ([)、右方括号 (])、引号 (")、单引号 (')、反斜杠 (\\\)、正斜杠 (/)。
- The rule name is not valid. Rule names must not contain any of the following characters: open bracket ([), close bracket (]), quotation mark ("), single quote ('), back slash (\\), forward slash (/). 规则名称无效。规则名称不能包含下列字符:左方括号 ([)、右方括号 (])、引号 (")、单引号 (')、反斜杠 (\\\)、正斜杠 (/)。
- The specified delivery channel name is not valid. Delivery channel names cannot contain the following characters: open bracket ([), close bracket (]), quotation mark ("), single quote ('), back slash (\\), forward slash (/). 指定的传送通道名称无效。传送通道名称不能包含下列字符:开始方括号 ([)、结束方括号 (])、引号 (")、单引号 (')、反斜杠 (\\\)、正斜杠 (/)。
- The specified protocol name is not valid. Protocol names cannot contain the following characters: open bracket ([), close bracket (]), quotation mark ("), single quote ('), back slash (\\), forward slash (/). 指定的协议名称无效。协议名称不能包含下列字符:左方括号 ([)、右方括号 (])、引号 (")、单引号 (')、反斜杠 (\\\)、正斜杠 (/)。
- The specified provider name is not valid. Provider names cannot contain the following characters: open bracket ([), close bracket (]), quotation mark ("), single quote ('), back slash (\\), forward slash (/). 指定的提供程序名称无效。提供程序名称不能包含下列字符:左方括号 ([)、右方括号 (])、引号 (")、单引号 (')、反斜杠 (\\\)、正斜杠 (/)。
- The application name is not valid. Application names cannot contain the following characters: open bracket ([), close bracket (]), quotation mark ("), single quote ('), back slash (\\), forward slash (/). 应用程序名称无效。应用程序名称不能包含下列字符:左方括号 ([)、右方括号 (])、引号 (")、单引号 (')、反斜杠 (\\\)、正斜杠 (/)。
- Enter the fully qualified path to the EAR folder with forward slashes! 使用斜杠输入EAR文件夹的全限定路径!
- On Unix, Linux, and Mac OS X, you should use forward slashes instead. 在Unix、Linux和Mac OS X上,您应改用正斜线。