- forward walkover on floor 地板上前软翻
- How to handle mushrooms dropped on floor? 掉在地上的蘑菇如何处理?
- Neck de-tenser Lie on your stomach,elbows on floor. 颈部放松俯卧,将双肘放在地板上。
- Ruz saw a large, flat stone slab on floor of the temple. 鲁茨看到有一块又大又平的石板在神殿的地板上。
- "On Floor Nine, we research into the instruments that do the research" - Mr Henderson's little joke. "在第九楼,我们研究做研究用的仪器,"--亨德森先生开的小玩笑。
- Free use of gymnasium and swimming bath on Floor 20. 住客可以免费使用20楼健身中心的健身房、室内游泳池。
- Leave shower curtain open, wet mat on floor, light and fan on. 把淋浴帘子开着;湿的垫子在地板上;灯和风扇开着.
- How much do you prepare to be cost on floor, plank, paint for instance? 比如你预备在地板、板材、油漆上花费多少?
- Lie facedown on a large exercise ball or ottoman, hands on floor for stability. 脸朝下并让身体贴着一个长扶椅或者运动球。
- The overflow patients lay on floors and corridors. 容纳不下的病人躺在地板和走廊里。
- Hundreds were trapped on floors untouched by the airplanes. 数百人被困在飞机没有触及的楼层。
- TIRED of sleeping on floor , a young man in TEHERAN saved up for years to buy a real bed . 一个德黑兰年轻人厌倦了睡地板,用节省了多年的钱买了一张真正的床。
- Prepare a private room, posting use of radiation on door and marking safe distances on floor. 准备单独房间,在门上贴辐射使用标记,地面标示安全距离。
- These valves are on floor level fix point should be short above the valves to allow expansion. 这些安装在楼面标高的阀门上方的固定点离阀门应尽量短可以允许膨胀。
- Continue lowering tank until clear of vehiclPlace tank on floor with left side (hose side) higher than right side. 持续降低油箱直到离开车辆。将油箱放置在地上,左侧(软管侧)高于右侧。
- These valves are on floor level, fix point should be short above the valves to allow expansion. 这些阀门安装于楼板平面,为了便于扩展固定点应该稍高于阀门。
- The main point is sitting on the bed, switching two legs to bedside and flatting on floor, then standing up. 要领要坐在床上,把两腿转到床边使两腿平放在地板上,然后站起来。
- He pitched (forward) on his head. 他(向前)一头栽倒。
- He sent the horse forward with a slap on its rump. 他拍了一下马的屁股,马便向前跑去。
- His head sank forward on his breast. 他的头垂向胸前。